Please help remind students and families about our Spring Title 1 family night on Thursday. We have several fun activities planned.
The Spring Book Fair will be during conferences week. Please help share the information with students. This flyer will be posted around the school as well:
We had several staff members to recognize for the February Staff Oscars:
February Staff Oscars
This is a great reminder of how just a few minutes checking in with a student, can change an entire day. Even if there are still struggles during the day, understanding the reason behind the behavior can change our mindset of how we approach the situation:
Tuesday February 28th, 2017
This article references the school library, but reading is everywhere. The school library/media center is a resource to support classrooms and students. Anywhere a student is reading, diversity is important. This is not only books, but also online reading. This is not just skin color and where a student is born, but also different strengths and talents:
Diverse School Library
This article is a great reminder for diversity of students with special needs:
This picture gives us all hope. It's normal to see kids walking in the halls holding hands. They don't see skin color, disabilities, or any differences. All these girls see is friendship. We live inclusion at our school. Just a normal day at Harrison:
Great reminder:
Diverse School Library
This article is a great reminder for diversity of students with special needs:
This picture gives us all hope. It's normal to see kids walking in the halls holding hands. They don't see skin color, disabilities, or any differences. All these girls see is friendship. We live inclusion at our school. Just a normal day at Harrison:
Great reminder:
Monday February 27th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Moore
PM Bus: Ardito/Kober
Staff Room: Kober
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 27th, 2017- Monday- Spring Pictures
February 27th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 27th, 2017- Monday- Spelling Bee at Roper, 6:30 pm
February 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
February 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Principal's lunch with February student leaders
March 2nd, 2017- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:30-7:00- No after school programs
March 3rd, 2017- Friday- Student leaders selling pencil top erasers for .50 cents each
March 3rd, 2017- Friday- Friday Fun- Super Hero Day
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Fullmer- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
We have a great Title 1 family night planned for Thursday. Please help remind students and families. We've had a family activity almost every month, and every activity brings different family members. That is always great to observe. From the public library, arts, STEM, food, the new Science Fair, and more:
Spring Title 1 Family Night
Here are few pictures from this last week:
Pictures This Week
This is a great positive video that could even be shared with students:
Overcoming a Challenge with Great Success, With Sign Language
This blog post link below reiterates what we have talked about in regards to the current climate in the community and the US. School should be a safe place for all kids. We all work with a very diverse student population, and every student and staff has a story.
We have recently had the nurses at our school for both the fourth grade hygiene talks and the fifth grade puberty talks. The nurses were very complimentary of how kind and respectful students were as peers shared personal situations and questions. That's the safe place we have worked hard to create, especially with all the social and emotional learning, as well as daily classroom community circles. Here are a few tips to help with conversations and questions:
Teaching Diverse Students in an Age of Uncertainty
I think we can all relate to this post by a teacher's husband. As the authors mentions, we usually just ask what size when a kid needs something:
In the Classroom
This image is a great visual to help distinguish between traditional approaches to discipline, and the restorative approach that we use at our school:
AM Bus: Moore
PM Bus: Ardito/Kober
Staff Room: Kober
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 27th, 2017- Monday- Spring Pictures
February 27th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 27th, 2017- Monday- Spelling Bee at Roper, 6:30 pm
February 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
February 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Principal's lunch with February student leaders
March 2nd, 2017- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:30-7:00- No after school programs
March 3rd, 2017- Friday- Student leaders selling pencil top erasers for .50 cents each
March 3rd, 2017- Friday- Friday Fun- Super Hero Day
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Fullmer- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
We have a great Title 1 family night planned for Thursday. Please help remind students and families. We've had a family activity almost every month, and every activity brings different family members. That is always great to observe. From the public library, arts, STEM, food, the new Science Fair, and more:
Spring Title 1 Family Night
Here are few pictures from this last week:
Pictures This Week
This is a great positive video that could even be shared with students:
Overcoming a Challenge with Great Success, With Sign Language
This blog post link below reiterates what we have talked about in regards to the current climate in the community and the US. School should be a safe place for all kids. We all work with a very diverse student population, and every student and staff has a story.
We have recently had the nurses at our school for both the fourth grade hygiene talks and the fifth grade puberty talks. The nurses were very complimentary of how kind and respectful students were as peers shared personal situations and questions. That's the safe place we have worked hard to create, especially with all the social and emotional learning, as well as daily classroom community circles. Here are a few tips to help with conversations and questions:
Teaching Diverse Students in an Age of Uncertainty
I think we can all relate to this post by a teacher's husband. As the authors mentions, we usually just ask what size when a kid needs something:
In the Classroom
This image is a great visual to help distinguish between traditional approaches to discipline, and the restorative approach that we use at our school:
image: @LCCommJustice
Friday February 24th, 2017
A big thank you to everybody who helped with shoveling, calling families, inside recess, and other behind the scene tasks on Thursday. Many of our students stay after school for tutoring and enrichment. Having to cancel and inform families could be tricky, but kids were all picked up quickly when school ended. Buses were full and really quick at dismissal as well. Thank you!
Please help remind students and families about Spring pictures on Monday.
Have a great weekend:
Please help remind students and families about Spring pictures on Monday.
Have a great weekend:
Thursday February 23rd, 2017
This article is a great resource for social-emotional learning ideas. The school mentioned might be a high school, but it really starts with students our age. There might be an idea that could be integrated with small groups, classroom community circles, or one on one with a student. Ideas like #13 are great real life skills that are great for all ages:
13 Powerful SEL Activities
Here is a great resource for integrating writing with math. The best learning is cross content, and applied with real situations. The image below the link is from Educational Leadership, and is a great overview to keep for a reference:
Why Should Students Write in Math Class
Thought for today:
13 Powerful SEL Activities
Here is a great resource for integrating writing with math. The best learning is cross content, and applied with real situations. The image below the link is from Educational Leadership, and is a great overview to keep for a reference:
Why Should Students Write in Math Class
Thought for today:
Wednesday February 22nd, 2017
We have a staff meeting after school in the library, and the goal is to start by 3:25.
Increasing rigor is important for all students. This is why inclusion is important. All students need opportunities to be pushed, with support, towards more rigorous activities. Remembering DOK levels is helpful when planning. Having high expectations for all kids:
Rigor- with Support and High Expectations
Thought for today:
Increasing rigor is important for all students. This is why inclusion is important. All students need opportunities to be pushed, with support, towards more rigorous activities. Remembering DOK levels is helpful when planning. Having high expectations for all kids:
Rigor- with Support and High Expectations
Thought for today:
Tuesday February 21st, 2017
We have grade level teaming today.
This is a great article about the importance of emotional intelligence in teachers, or any staff member. This includes triggers, processing of emotions, modeling for kids, knowing strengths and areas to grow, reflecting, and remembering to laugh and be positive. This fits with being proactive, your mindset:
4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
Being positive attracts other positive people:
This is a great article about the importance of emotional intelligence in teachers, or any staff member. This includes triggers, processing of emotions, modeling for kids, knowing strengths and areas to grow, reflecting, and remembering to laugh and be positive. This fits with being proactive, your mindset:
4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
Being positive attracts other positive people:
Monday February 20th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Bender
PM Bus: Wolden
Staff Room: Smith
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 20th, 2017- Monday- No School- Teacher training day
February 21st, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
February 21st, 2017- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th- with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
February 22nd, 2017- Wednesday- Grade Level Teaming K- with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
February 22nd, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
February 23rd, 2017- Thursday- 5th Grade Puberty Talk with Nurse- 1:00 pm
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Lancaster- Habit 1: Be proactive
The staff meeting this week will be led by Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Lindquist. They have attended two behavior training days that the state department has offered, through Idaho SESTA. They will be sharing what they learned.
The pictures from this last week include Valentine's Day, the 100th Day, play practice, math leaders, fun learning, and more:
Pictures This Week
This article about being a Marigold was shared at the beginning of the school year. Reviewing it part way through the school is helpful, especially as activities and testing pick up speed. No classroom has easy kids, positive people are more fun to be with, your mindset can completely change your day, and people do feel calmer around positive energy:
Be a Marigold, Not a Walnut Tree
This is a great post about what Principals do, and what we want staff to know. We are all trying our best, putting kids first, and starting every day with a fresh start:
What Principals Want Every Staff Member to Know
This image is a great visual about important soft skills:
AM Bus: Bender
PM Bus: Wolden
Staff Room: Smith
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 20th, 2017- Monday- No School- Teacher training day
February 21st, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
February 21st, 2017- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th- with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
February 22nd, 2017- Wednesday- Grade Level Teaming K- with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
February 22nd, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
February 23rd, 2017- Thursday- 5th Grade Puberty Talk with Nurse- 1:00 pm
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Lancaster- Habit 1: Be proactive
The staff meeting this week will be led by Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Lindquist. They have attended two behavior training days that the state department has offered, through Idaho SESTA. They will be sharing what they learned.
The pictures from this last week include Valentine's Day, the 100th Day, play practice, math leaders, fun learning, and more:
Pictures This Week
This article about being a Marigold was shared at the beginning of the school year. Reviewing it part way through the school is helpful, especially as activities and testing pick up speed. No classroom has easy kids, positive people are more fun to be with, your mindset can completely change your day, and people do feel calmer around positive energy:
Be a Marigold, Not a Walnut Tree
This is a great post about what Principals do, and what we want staff to know. We are all trying our best, putting kids first, and starting every day with a fresh start:
What Principals Want Every Staff Member to Know
This image is a great visual about important soft skills:
Friday February 17th, 2017
Here is a great picture from Mrs. Schroeder. These are the staff members who attended the recent Leader in Me symposium in Las Vegas, and they have great ideas that they are already implementing:
This is a great video about Leader in Me in another elementary school. Student ownership, greatness in students, real life skills, embedded in school culture and classrooms, and more:
Leader in Me- Greatness in Everybody
This thought for the day is a great reminder, especially when talking about our students. Many of our kids already have plenty of negatives in their life, have witnessed things that we never could imagine witnessing as adults, or they hear negatives expressed about them right in front of them. Our kids need people to love them. Even when kids aren't in the room, remember that any negative words about them are opportunities lost that could have been about kind words. All of our kids have strengths and talents- they matter:
This is a great video about Leader in Me in another elementary school. Student ownership, greatness in students, real life skills, embedded in school culture and classrooms, and more:
Leader in Me- Greatness in Everybody
This thought for the day is a great reminder, especially when talking about our students. Many of our kids already have plenty of negatives in their life, have witnessed things that we never could imagine witnessing as adults, or they hear negatives expressed about them right in front of them. Our kids need people to love them. Even when kids aren't in the room, remember that any negative words about them are opportunities lost that could have been about kind words. All of our kids have strengths and talents- they matter:
Thursday February 16th, 2017
Thank you to everybody who helped with the dance preparation, and those that stayed late to assist. It was really fun and a great turn out.
Please help remind students that box tops are due Friday. We will have a sno-cone party for the class that brings in the most. We will have a K-2 winner and a 3-5 winner.
This is a great thought for both staff and students. We are all working towards school goals, as well as our school mission statement. One example is family involvement. We have had great success and growth, especially as we have added new activities. Another area of success is having an extended school day. The 'why' helps us understand and remember the reason, especially with the extra time given. A big thank you for all that you give:
Please help remind students that box tops are due Friday. We will have a sno-cone party for the class that brings in the most. We will have a K-2 winner and a 3-5 winner.
This is a great thought for both staff and students. We are all working towards school goals, as well as our school mission statement. One example is family involvement. We have had great success and growth, especially as we have added new activities. Another area of success is having an extended school day. The 'why' helps us understand and remember the reason, especially with the extra time given. A big thank you for all that you give:
Wednesday February 15th, 2017
Tonight is the Little Miss dance. It's going to be a great event, and the weather is better than last year.
Thank you for helping to create such fun activities for the Valentine's Day parties. Our kids need those opportunities so they can laugh, smile, and be a kid. Thank you to everybody who helped ensure that every student had cards.
I love this thought for the day. Many of our kids are dealing with adult situations, and school is their positive place. They know if adults care about them. Everyday we listen to situations that would just break your heart. Thank you to staff who step back and try to understand situations, and understand the children. Thank you for including kids even when they have had behavior struggles, giving second chances, and included even when they haven't had materials like homework or books. I hear it, and they appreciate you. You matter and you are loved:
Thank you for helping to create such fun activities for the Valentine's Day parties. Our kids need those opportunities so they can laugh, smile, and be a kid. Thank you to everybody who helped ensure that every student had cards.
I love this thought for the day. Many of our kids are dealing with adult situations, and school is their positive place. They know if adults care about them. Everyday we listen to situations that would just break your heart. Thank you to staff who step back and try to understand situations, and understand the children. Thank you for including kids even when they have had behavior struggles, giving second chances, and included even when they haven't had materials like homework or books. I hear it, and they appreciate you. You matter and you are loved:
Tuesday February 14th, 2017
Today is Valentine's Day. Please check with students in the morning to see who needs cards. We can also help students who need assistance addressing their cards. Just let the office know if you need help.
Please help remind students and families about the Little Miss dance on Wednesday. It was a great turn out and fun event last year.
This thought for the day is a great reminder, that what you do matters. The heart of education is all about the interactions you have with students. We get to create change and empower students everyday:
Please help remind students and families about the Little Miss dance on Wednesday. It was a great turn out and fun event last year.
This thought for the day is a great reminder, that what you do matters. The heart of education is all about the interactions you have with students. We get to create change and empower students everyday:
Monday February 13th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Thomason
PM Bus: Garcia
Staff Room: Vandenbosch
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 13th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
February 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Valentine's Day Parties in Afternoon
February 15th, 2017- Wednesday- CSI and Harrison STEM K-1 check in- 7:40 am, room 17
February 15th, 2017- Wednesday- Little Miss Dance in Gym- 6-7:30 pm
February 16th, 2017- Thursday- New Teacher Check In- 7:00 am -IHOP
February 16th, 2017- Thursday- 4th Grade Hygiene Visit with Nurse- 2:00 pm
February 17th, 2017- Friday- Leader in Me Training in room 17
February 17th, 2017- Friday- Box Tops due
February 17th, 2017- Friday- CR Baseball visiting during morning recess- in lunchroom
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Porter- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs
Please let us know in the office if any students need Valentine's Day cards.
Most of the pictures this week were from Leadership Day. We also have a young man that used a walker for walking, for the first time. These pictures would be great to share with students:
Pictures This Week and Leadership Day
Please share the weekly schedule with families:
Schedule This Week and Notes for Families
We had two training opportunities for staff this last week. One was a Leader in Me symposium in Las Vegas, and we already have great ideas being implemented in classrooms and around the school. We'll hear more at a March staff meeting. The second training was the Idaho Refugee conference in Boise, and the following videos are from that training. We will also have more information shared at a March staff meeting.
This video from the refugee conference is a great reminder that everybody has a story. Every US citizen, every immigrant, every refugee, every human being. It's important to seek first to understand:
Falafel Story
It's hard to imagine only having one language spoken, only one culture represented, only one interest among friends, or only one perspective at the table. I've been out of the country twice in the last six months. The real world is very diverse, and that is a good thing, a great learning opportunity. Our school and students are an example of that. This video from a session at the refugee conference about building bridges with Muslims, is a great reminder that we are all human beings. We have more in common than we realize, and it's ok to have differences. Differences should be thought of as exciting and a learning opportunity:
Meet a Muslim
This video from the refugee conference is longer, a Ted talk, but has an important message. There is no single story. Imagine people forming opinions about people or countries, from only one book or one media story:
The Danger of a Single Story
Imagine if we asked people what they had to contribute, how they could help solve a problem, or how they have helped others. We are all human beings:
AM Bus: Thomason
PM Bus: Garcia
Staff Room: Vandenbosch
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 13th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
February 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Valentine's Day Parties in Afternoon
February 15th, 2017- Wednesday- CSI and Harrison STEM K-1 check in- 7:40 am, room 17
February 15th, 2017- Wednesday- Little Miss Dance in Gym- 6-7:30 pm
February 16th, 2017- Thursday- New Teacher Check In- 7:00 am -IHOP
February 16th, 2017- Thursday- 4th Grade Hygiene Visit with Nurse- 2:00 pm
February 17th, 2017- Friday- Leader in Me Training in room 17
February 17th, 2017- Friday- Box Tops due
February 17th, 2017- Friday- CR Baseball visiting during morning recess- in lunchroom
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Porter- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs
Please let us know in the office if any students need Valentine's Day cards.
Most of the pictures this week were from Leadership Day. We also have a young man that used a walker for walking, for the first time. These pictures would be great to share with students:
Pictures This Week and Leadership Day
Please share the weekly schedule with families:
Schedule This Week and Notes for Families
We had two training opportunities for staff this last week. One was a Leader in Me symposium in Las Vegas, and we already have great ideas being implemented in classrooms and around the school. We'll hear more at a March staff meeting. The second training was the Idaho Refugee conference in Boise, and the following videos are from that training. We will also have more information shared at a March staff meeting.
This video from the refugee conference is a great reminder that everybody has a story. Every US citizen, every immigrant, every refugee, every human being. It's important to seek first to understand:
Falafel Story
It's hard to imagine only having one language spoken, only one culture represented, only one interest among friends, or only one perspective at the table. I've been out of the country twice in the last six months. The real world is very diverse, and that is a good thing, a great learning opportunity. Our school and students are an example of that. This video from a session at the refugee conference about building bridges with Muslims, is a great reminder that we are all human beings. We have more in common than we realize, and it's ok to have differences. Differences should be thought of as exciting and a learning opportunity:
Meet a Muslim
This video from the refugee conference is longer, a Ted talk, but has an important message. There is no single story. Imagine people forming opinions about people or countries, from only one book or one media story:
The Danger of a Single Story
Imagine if we asked people what they had to contribute, how they could help solve a problem, or how they have helped others. We are all human beings:
Friday February 10th, 2017
We had an awesome Principal for the day on Thursday. She was the student who brought in the most money from the move-a-thon, and she was a big help in the office. The best has to be Ms. Cindy in Shea's classroom asking her for a day off from work.
A big thank you to everybody for helping students with our Leadership Day! That included assisting with the lake on the front lawn, giving kids pep talks when they were nervous, all the behind the scene preparation and practice, providing shirts and ties, and more. It was a great event, and students did an excellent job.
Our students are an impressive bunch, from where they start to where they end when they leave us. We are constantly dealing with high mobility, students moving in and out of our school, but the growth of students despite the odds stacked against them is impressive. Thought for today:
A big thank you to everybody for helping students with our Leadership Day! That included assisting with the lake on the front lawn, giving kids pep talks when they were nervous, all the behind the scene preparation and practice, providing shirts and ties, and more. It was a great event, and students did an excellent job.
Our students are an impressive bunch, from where they start to where they end when they leave us. We are constantly dealing with high mobility, students moving in and out of our school, but the growth of students despite the odds stacked against them is impressive. Thought for today:
Thursday February 9th, 2017
Today is our annual Leadership Day!
Please help thank our custodians, especially our night custodians. I wish you could have seen them Wednesday night trying to drain Lake Harrison on our front lawn, in the pouring rain. Mrs. Sharp said it best. If we still have it Thursday afternoon, we can add it as a 'point of interest' on the tours. Now that is making lemonade out of lemons.
This is a great list to share with students, and the suggestions mentioned fit very well with our school goals and mission statement:
Please help thank our custodians, especially our night custodians. I wish you could have seen them Wednesday night trying to drain Lake Harrison on our front lawn, in the pouring rain. Mrs. Sharp said it best. If we still have it Thursday afternoon, we can add it as a 'point of interest' on the tours. Now that is making lemonade out of lemons.
This is a great list to share with students, and the suggestions mentioned fit very well with our school goals and mission statement:
Wednesday February 8th, 2017
Please remember that we have a staff meeting after school in the library. We'll be starting at 3:25.
This is a great reminder of the importance for trauma informed schools. This topic also fits with the recent refugee conference, and is helpful for all students. The key pieces are listening and for children to feel safe, and every staff member gets to assist students with those pieces:
Trauma Informed Schools
This is a great kindness thought for the day:
This is a great reminder of the importance for trauma informed schools. This topic also fits with the recent refugee conference, and is helpful for all students. The key pieces are listening and for children to feel safe, and every staff member gets to assist students with those pieces:
Trauma Informed Schools
This is a great kindness thought for the day:
Monday February 6th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Sharp
PM Bus: Schroeder
Staff Room: Sorensen
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 6th-10th, 2017- Monday-Friday- School Counselor Week
February 6th-7th, 2017- Monday-Tuesday: Refugee Conference in Boise
February 6th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 6th, 2017- Monday- We Are Monsters Spring Musical play practice starts after school
February 7th-8th, 2017- Tuesday-Wednesday: Leader in Me Symposium in Las Vegas
February 7th, 2017- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday
February 7th, 2017- Tuesday- 1st Grade Art lunch in library
February 8th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
February 9th, 2017- Thursday- 2nd Grade Wax Museum Practice in gym, 10:15-11:00
February 9th, 2017- Thursday- Leadership Day, 1:00-3:00
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
The first part of the week will have several guest teachers. Please help them feel welcomed.
Thank you to all the staff members that have spent time assisting students with their parts and task assignments for Leadership Day. The mentoring from staff, and the real life skill practice, are great opportunities for students.
The staff meeting this week will have Ms. Shea sharing what she learned from a recent Autism training.
The pictures this last week are great examples of leadership. We had students completing leadership roles, putting first things first with tutoring, cooking, preschool students singing, career exploration, our January family of the month, and more:
Pictures This Week
Here is the weekly post to share with families:
Weekly Schedule and Notes for Families
This thought is a great reminder that students need to be taught behavior expectations, and receive interventions, just like with ELA and Math. Just like reading growth can be at a slower pace, so can behavior improvements. Social and emotional learning is just as important as content areas, and patience is important:
AM Bus: Sharp
PM Bus: Schroeder
Staff Room: Sorensen
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 6th-10th, 2017- Monday-Friday- School Counselor Week
February 6th-7th, 2017- Monday-Tuesday: Refugee Conference in Boise
February 6th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 6th, 2017- Monday- We Are Monsters Spring Musical play practice starts after school
February 7th-8th, 2017- Tuesday-Wednesday: Leader in Me Symposium in Las Vegas
February 7th, 2017- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday
February 7th, 2017- Tuesday- 1st Grade Art lunch in library
February 8th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
February 9th, 2017- Thursday- 2nd Grade Wax Museum Practice in gym, 10:15-11:00
February 9th, 2017- Thursday- Leadership Day, 1:00-3:00
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
The first part of the week will have several guest teachers. Please help them feel welcomed.
Thank you to all the staff members that have spent time assisting students with their parts and task assignments for Leadership Day. The mentoring from staff, and the real life skill practice, are great opportunities for students.
The staff meeting this week will have Ms. Shea sharing what she learned from a recent Autism training.
The pictures this last week are great examples of leadership. We had students completing leadership roles, putting first things first with tutoring, cooking, preschool students singing, career exploration, our January family of the month, and more:
Pictures This Week
Here is the weekly post to share with families:
Weekly Schedule and Notes for Families
This thought is a great reminder that students need to be taught behavior expectations, and receive interventions, just like with ELA and Math. Just like reading growth can be at a slower pace, so can behavior improvements. Social and emotional learning is just as important as content areas, and patience is important:
Friday February 3rd, 2017
We have our family of the month assembly first thing this morning, after the bell rings, in the gym.
Next week is School Counselor week. Our students, staff, and families are very lucky. Thank you Mrs. Rice for joining us at Harrison this year!
Today is Friday fun, dressing with favorite sports team clothing, and a candy sale with student leaders.
This is a great reminder of the importance for restorative practices. The article is from a different country, but kids are the same everywhere. Students need opportunities to mediate, to talk through a situation, when there are conflicts, and the growth in students is impressive to watch. We've seen how restorative practices can completely change a school. Assisting students in the process of acknowledging, making a plan to fix and create change, mediation, and positive growth with behavior concerns:
Restorative Practices
This thought for today would also be great to share and discuss with students. We are all learners, and learning is exciting:
Next week is School Counselor week. Our students, staff, and families are very lucky. Thank you Mrs. Rice for joining us at Harrison this year!
Today is Friday fun, dressing with favorite sports team clothing, and a candy sale with student leaders.
This is a great reminder of the importance for restorative practices. The article is from a different country, but kids are the same everywhere. Students need opportunities to mediate, to talk through a situation, when there are conflicts, and the growth in students is impressive to watch. We've seen how restorative practices can completely change a school. Assisting students in the process of acknowledging, making a plan to fix and create change, mediation, and positive growth with behavior concerns:
Restorative Practices
This thought for today would also be great to share and discuss with students. We are all learners, and learning is exciting:
Thursday February 2nd, 2017
We start the day with Dr. Dobbs at 7:40 am in the library.
Please remember that we will be recognizing our February family of the month Friday morning, in the gym.
The student lighthouse team met Wednesday morning, and they are super excited about leading for Leadership Day. Thursday after school will have the staff lighthouse team meeting. Everybody is invited if you are interested. We will be checking in about Leadership Day, and making sure students are ready to lead next week.
On Wednesday we had our preschool students in the lunchroom practicing their song, students painting a mural, staff and students checking in with each other for the different task groups, students preparing what they would like to share with visitors, and more. Leadership Day is getting close!
It's important to persevere with the positives. We have so many positives to recognize:
Please remember that we will be recognizing our February family of the month Friday morning, in the gym.
The student lighthouse team met Wednesday morning, and they are super excited about leading for Leadership Day. Thursday after school will have the staff lighthouse team meeting. Everybody is invited if you are interested. We will be checking in about Leadership Day, and making sure students are ready to lead next week.
On Wednesday we had our preschool students in the lunchroom practicing their song, students painting a mural, staff and students checking in with each other for the different task groups, students preparing what they would like to share with visitors, and more. Leadership Day is getting close!
It's important to persevere with the positives. We have so many positives to recognize:
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