

Wednesday January 11th, 2017

We have a staff meeting after school in the library, and the goal is to start at 3:25.

Please help remind students and families about the Friday fun day and the smelly erasers that student leaders are selling on Friday.

This article expresses the importance of positive teacher/staff relationships with students. The article mentions a study where children had no intervention, or one on one time with an adult, or an intervention more specific and referred to as banking time. Even just a few minutes matters. We need all of our students to have at least one adult that they have built equity with.  Here is a great quote mentioned:

“When you ‘bank time’ with a child and that relationship, you’re building equity,” Bridget says. “Then if a conflict arises, you can make a withdrawal.”

Child Teacher Interactions

We all are part of telling the story at our school. There are always trials learned, but there is much to celebrate. From pictures, to positive chats in the halls and bus lines, and communication sent home:

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