Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Warner
PM Bus: Thomason
Staff Room: Lancaster/Ardito
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
December 12th, 2016- Monday- Wear a Christmas hat
December 12th, 2016- Monday- Staff Lighthouse/BLT Meeting 7:40
December 12th, 2016- Monday- 4th Grade Teaming
December 12th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
December 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
December 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Dress like a reindeer
December 13th, 2016- Tuesday- My First Books Visit for Pre/K and K, from Public Library
December 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Principal's Lunch with December student leaders
December 14th, 2016- Wednesday- Student Lighthouse Meeting
December 14th, 2016- Wednesday- Dress like your favorite Christmas toy
December 14th, 2016- Wednesday- Christmas Lunch
December 14th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting: 1st, 3rd, 5th, Preschool, PE, Title 1, & Coach
December 15th, 2016- Thursday- Wear pajamas
December 15th, 2016- Thursday- Sharpen the Paw for the second quarter, 9-11
December 15th, 2016- Thursday- BUCHHO Salad Bar Lunch
December 16th, 2016- Friday- Wear a Christmas scarf and jewelry, No Kinders,
and 1st-5th dismissal at 1:15
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Bender- Habit 1: Be Proactive
This article is one that we can all relate to in some way. Not everybody can work with the demographics that we have. We get to work at the best school and with the best kids! We have kids acting differently, and quite open with their concerns, as they wonder what they are going to do without school for two weeks. School is warm heat, breakfast and lunch, snacks, welcome and forgiving hugs, friends, positive adults, laughter, and so much more. As the article says, our kids need us. As this week can be hard with challenging behavior, remember the why:
Remembering My Why
Here is the list of Christmas Parties for the week:
Christmas Parties
This week is Sharpen the Paw. We have really fun activities, and students will have opportunities to be exposed to great learning. Here is the line up:
Sharpen the Paw Second Quarter
Here are pictures from the past week. We had learning mixed with Christmas fun, family fun, and student leaders:
Pictures This Week
Here is the weekly schedule to share with families:
Weekly Note for Families
Who knew toddlers have the best lessons:
8 Successful Habits You Can Learn From Toddlers
Here is a great thought for the week:
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