Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Garcia
PM Bus: Kenyon
Staff Room: Anderson
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 7th, 2016- Monday- Rhonda Birnie visiting for number talks
November 7th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
November 8th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 8th, 2016- Tuesday- Art Lunch for 3rd Grade with Mrs. V in the Library
November 9th, 2016- Wednesday- My First Books Grant- Librarian from Public Library visits
Preschool and Kindergarten classrooms
November 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
November 10th, 2016- Thursday- Staff lighthouse/Building leadership team- 7:30 am
Please make sure to talk about Veteran's Day this week. We have a lot to be thankful for in our country because of Veterans. I love to travel and have visited other countries, but am always thankful to be home in the USA. We are very blessed.
Upcoming: Week of November 14th is Bullying Prevention/Kindness Week- October is the official month, but several countries recognize the third week in November. Regardless, intentional lessons during this week would be great. We strive to be proactive and talk about ways to prevent in the first place. Think win-win includes emotional bank accounts and filling buckets, which fits perfectly.
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Porter- Habit 4: Think win-win
There is a staff meeting on Wednesday. The agenda is a great one:
1. Remind 101- Mrs. Garcia
2. Mandatory Reporting- Mrs. Rice
3. Number Trains- 5th Grade Team
4. Reading Thoughts- Mrs. Kober
5. Leadership Notebooks- Everybody- Bring 1 notebook that matches your/school vision, and 1 notebook that shows areas to grow. We will be discussing and have a gallery walk.
I love this updated social justice standards resource. There are different scenarios listed, for different grade levels. Almost every scenario listed is a real life situation we have seen and or heard at our school:
Social Justice Standards
This article is about school Principals, but really it is a great read for all staff. We all play an important part in the life of our students. There are great days, there are nights where we worry about our kids, and days of celebration and success:
Our Important Job- Our Calling
We had a practice lock-down drill on Friday. Both staff and students did a great job, especially with helping to keep students safe and calm. This is a great article with a few thoughts about lock-downs:
Talking to Kids about a Lock-Down
We had several great Halloween pictures from this last week, with a few pictures from learning and leadership blended in. Here are the weekly pictures, and they would be great to share with students.
Weekly Pictures
Here is the weekly post to share with families:
Weekly Post for Families
Here is a great thought for the upcoming week. Laugh, smile, learn, grow- Enjoy the journey:
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