

Wednesday October 5th, 2016

Please help remind students and families about no school on Thursday and Friday. We sent a reminder note home as well.

The following article fits so well with the social and emotional learning pieces we are striving to put into practice to assist students. The culture and climate just feels different when students know they have caring adults around them. Our older students also complete every year a Gallup poll and school improvement survey that is similar to the questions mentioned.

Every student needs to feel like there is at least one adult at school that cares about them, won't give up on them, and that keeps pushing them towards the greatness that we know is in them. When that happens, we can begin to make progress towards other goals, like reducing behavior concerns:

Positive Relationships and Reduced Behavior Concerns

Here is a great kindness photo that relates. Everybody has hard days, and we all need someone who cares:


Thought for today that also relates to this article:

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