Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Sorensen
PM Bus: Vandenbosch
Staff Room: Schroeder
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 17th-21st, 2016- Student Led Conferences All Week
October 17th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
October 17th, 2016- Monday- Scratch for Schools
October 19th, 2016- Wednesday- Box Tops Due
October 19th, 2016- Wednesday- 1st Grade to Pumpkin Patch 11:00-2:15
October 19th, 2016- Wednesday- Teacher Pizza Dinner During Conferences
October 20th, 2016- Thursday- No School for Kindergarten
October 21st, 2016- Friday- No School K-5
Upcoming: Monday October 24th, 2016- Picture Retakes
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Schroeder- Habit 1: Be Proactive
We have the school website updated. Let me know if you have ideas for things to add. I will post a weekly schedule for families, and include other important information. The link can then be emailed via your email distribution lists, and information can be shared anytime you are talking with families. Here is the link for families for the upcoming week:
Family Note With Schedule For Upcoming Week
Language skills are just as important as content areas like math. We need all students to be speaking, restating, writing, speaking again, providing evidence, and speaking again throughout the school day. There are a few video clips included with this article. Speaking/communication is essential to growth:
Art of Speaking is Important
Here are pictures from this past week, and several pictures from Sharpen the Paw. The older students were so kind as they assisted younger students. Super proud of them! You can click to see pictures enlarged, and the pictures would be great to share with students. You have to enjoy the yoga in the hall, all the art, mixed age groups with diverse populations, and all the smiling faces. Just imagine those same kids in the future, working with collaborative group projects. Whatever the chosen career, students will have had practice developing skills to ensure success:
Pictures This Week and Sharpen the Paw for the 1st Quarter
As we start student led conferences this week, most grades will be sharing new report cards. This is the survey that we are encouraging families to complete. Please share with families:
Report Card Survey
This thought fits with this past week, and pretty much every day at Harrison. Our students may face unstable situations at home, and display unloving disruptive behaviors, but they always have the same constant adults in their life at school that they are quick to seek out. Students know they have people, their tribe, at school ready with open arms and a few minutes to talk. Thank you for supporting kids. You matter more than you may realize, even with just smiles and a positive welcome:
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