

Thursday August 18th, 2016

Today is the first day of school!

The 1st quarter classified staff meeting is on Friday. Here is the schedule:

1. PRC- 7:55

2. Title 1, ESL, Mentor, Playground, and Resource: 9:30

3. Preschool- 12:00

We have extra copies of the bus schedule, lunch menu, and other forms/handouts on the table on front of the office. Please help yourself if you need anything, or if families ask.

If you walk by the office and the phone is ringing, feel free to answer it.

Let us know in the office if students need school supplies and or a backpack.

We have several people available to assist with tears, separation, or any other feelings. Just let us know in the office and we'll find someone.

One of my favorite activities at the beginning of the school year is visiting/welcoming students in every classroom pre/k-5th, and reading books to them. The schedule is online, and a paper copy is on the counter in the office, if you need to find me.

We have big hearts at Harrison. Please make sure students go home today excited to come back tomorrow, because they know that there are caring adults who can't wait to see them again. Thought for today:

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