Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Tahiri
PM Bus: Moore
Lounge: Anderson
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 9th, 2016- Monday- Grade level teaming 1st-5th
May 10th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade level teaming Kindergarten
May 10th-12th, 2016- Flourishing Families Series- 21st CCLC Grant
May 11th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team
May 11th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff meeting
May 12th, 2016- Thursday- Staff lighthouse team meeting
May 12th, 2016- Thursday- Kindergarten eats lunch at school- burritos
May 12th, 2016- Thursday- 2nd Grade fire prevention 1:15
May 12th, 2016- Thursday- Last day of after school program (Before school doesn't end.)
May 13th, 2016- Friday- Move-a-Thon assembly: 10:45- outside
May 13th, 2016- Friday- 2nd Grade City Pool 1:00 pm
Assessment Schedule for the week:
May 10th, 2016- Tuesday- 5th: Math CAT ISAT- 9:00 am
May 12th, 2016- Thursday- 5th: Math Performance Task ISAT- 9:00 am
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Miller- Habit 4: Think win-win
We have an awesome line up for the flourishing families series. A big thank you to Ms. Reese for arranging this! It is a requirement of our 21st century grant to have family learning, and this is such a great opportunity. This will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Times are 5:15-5:40 for the first sessions, and 5:40-6:00 for the second session. We have flyers by the front door. Session topics include:
a. Preventing the summer slide
b. Cooking Matters- shopping and cooking on a budget
c. CSI admissions- college opportunities
d. Wellness Tree Clinic- free health and dental care for uninsured families
e. Dept of Heath and Human Services- child care program and food stamps program
f. Eat Smart Idaho- nutrition
g. Mrs. Depew- relaxation for children
Please share the flourishing families flyer with families:
Flourishing Families
For the grade level teaming on Monday/Tuesday, anybody can attend. One teacher from each grade level has been attending a math class this year that has been led by BSU. They will be leading/sharing the recent training information. K-2 will be learning about geometry, and 3-5 will be learning about measurement.
For the staff meeting, Mrs. Pauley will be leading. Second grade teachers have been piloting a new standards based report card. They will be sharing successes, tips for next year, obstacles and areas they learned from, and areas to grow.
Also for the staff meeting, Rhonda Birnie will be sharing math ideas.
Just a few pictures from this past week. A few of our staff members did a cool fun run that had an inflatable obstacle course, we received a new friendship bench for the playground, Kindergarten Open House, and more:
Pictures This Week
If you have visited out preschool-1st grade classrooms, you'd agree. Keep smiling and don't be afraid to be different:
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