

Thursday May 26th, 2016

Today is the last day of school for 1st-5th grade students. Hard to believe! Early release is at 1:10.

This will be the last blog post until closer to the new school year starting. 

Thank you to everybody for helping with the carnival, especially Mrs. Sweet! We had great weather, happy smiling children, and several fun activities. Here are pictures, which is nice to see if you were at one station during the event:

Spring Carnival Pictures

Here is one last weekly post of pictures. Instead of a graduation, Kindergarten had a fun day of learning. There are also pictures from the rocket math assembly, May student leaders, and office leaders:

Pictures This Week

Like past years, here is a list of book suggestions for summer reading. I picked out just a few that stood out from books I have read this year, and one might catch your eye:

Here are the book lists from past years:

Have a great summer sharpening the saw with your friends and family! Like the following frog, relax! Please remember to send a picture of you sharpening the saw over the summer break, for our August staff video:


Wednesday May 25th, 2016

The school carnival is today, all afternoon from 1:00-3:15. We have a great line up of activities and everything is free for Harrison students. Fingers crossed for nice weather! I love that there is no cost for our students, and that all students get to participate since it is during school hours. We have been preparing and having monthly fundraisers all year for this fun annual experience! The office will be selling punch cards for younger siblings that are with a parent.

Today is the last day of school for Kindergarten students, with all students attending in the afternoon so they can attend the carnival.

Please help remind 1st-5th students that Thursday dismissal is at 1:10.

It was so nice to have the Canyon Ridge graduates visit us on Tuesday. I loved hearing students say that they were going to Canyon Ridge, that that was where they were going to high school too, and that they wanted to come back to Harrison when they graduate. Can't wait to see them walk the hallways and lunchroom! It was a fun experience with high fives and movement, so some pictures are blurry. Pictures and Video:

Pictures of Canyon Ridge Graduates Visiting

Video Clip

The choice is yours:


Tuesday May 24th, 2016

Fifth grade will be gone all day, with their swimming field trip. It's our annual end of the year gift to them.

We have Canyon Ridge graduates walking in the hallways and lunchroom at about noon. Super excited for this event!



Monday May 23rd, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Kenyon


    PM Bus: All certified staff

    Lounge: Coleman

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   May 23rd, 2016- Monday- 3rd Grade Canyon Field Trip- Most of the day

   May 23rd, 2016- Monday- 5th Grade First Federal Park, 11:00-2:30
   May 23rd, 2016- Monday- Principal's Lunch with May student leaders

   May 24th, 2016, Tuesday- 5th Grade Thousand Springs Swimming Field Trip- all day

   May 24th, 2016- Tuesday- Canyon Ridge graduation walk 12:00 pm

   May 24th, 2016, Tuesday- Rocket Math assembly 3:00 pm

   May 25th, 2016- Wednesday- Last Day of Kindergarten, and all Kinders attend in PM only
   May 25th, 2016- Wednesday- 1st Grade Frontier Park 9:20-12:00 pm

   May 25th, 2016- Wednesday- All school K-5 carnival 1:00-3:15 pm

   May 25th, 2016- Wednesday- District Retirement Reception

   May 26th, 2016- Thursday- Last day of school 1st-5th, early dismissal at 1:10 pm

   May 27th, 2016- Friday- TFEA Breakfast

   May 27th, 2016- Friday- 1/2 Day Teacher Workday AM, and Building Retreat PM 

We had our 4th quarter sharpen the paw and it was excellent. Even with yucky weather outside, we still have great fun inside. We have kids that need to do track and field in middle school and high school. We had relay races and hurdles in the hallways with pool noodles, and we have kids with skills! So many positive comments, happy kids, and fun learning opportunities that students might not otherwise get to have. The running to rooms should be what we have everyday! The pictures would be great to share with students. You can click on pictures to see them larger:

Sharpen the Paw 4th Quarter

We have a great activity on Tuesday. We talk about going to college, have high school graduation years posted outside of every classroom, give students exposure to careers and different learning activities all year long, and now we get to see graduates. We will have Canyon Ridge Graduates walking through our hallways, in caps and gowns. Awesome! They will walk through the hallways and lunchroom, and this is such a great experience for our kids. This is on Tuesday and starts about 12:00.

We also have great pictures from this past week:

Pictures This Week

This link has a video about the Leader in Me habits that would be great to share with students. From TJ:

Leader in Me

This is the last week of school. Sometimes students show their most unloving behavior. They don't want us to forget them. This week can be full of mixed emotions. We have students going to middle school, about 100 students going to Rock Creek, and several students going to new schools in and out of our district. School is also often the safest place, warmest, and a sure place of food and love. Make sure kids know that we will miss them, and stay positive even with challenging behaviors that may arise:


Friday May 20th, 2016

The big event today is sharpen the paw! Fingers crossed for nice weather in the morning! We have several fun learning activities.

Speaking of fun learning, fourth grade students had their Boise field trip on Thursday. One new activity was the Bohn House. Here are a few pictures, and some look like old postcards of Idaho schools many years ago. Cool!

Boise Field Trip

We've had more than one student lose a parent this year, other hard family situations in many classrooms, and trials staff have had within their own homes. Make today a great day for both kids, yourself, and your colleagues. Positive relationships matter. This thought is a great reminder:


Thursday May 19th, 2016

Thank you to the social committee for planning and leading a great staff party on Wednesday, and the weather was perfect!

Fourth grade students will be gone today to Boise.

Please remind families about the school picnic on Friday.

We have the annual second grade math day with Mrs. Pauley's and Mrs. Simson's classroom. If you have a minute, consider viewing in the lunchroom. It's always a great event to see a culmination of hands on projects that showcase math learning from throughout the school year, and students will be actively engaged showing their learning live and in action.

High poverty schools, and high performing schools, are two relatable topics. This article gives several great ideas to consider:

Engaging Families and the Community

Here are two funny memes to start the day. I think we can all relate:


Wednesday May 18th, 2016

Today is the last day of school for preschool!

All library books are due back today. An automated phone call, email, and text went out to families to help remind.

We have our staff party after school today, to recognize those retiring and leaving. Everybody is invited.

The annual COW day for 5th grade is this afternoon at the CSI expo center. The elementary counselors put many hours into organizing and planning, and it's a great opportunity to expose students to different careers in our local community.

We have two young ladies who earned a 1/2 day as Principal of the day, splitting a whole day, from the move-a-thon. The first one will be with me today. I have plenty of projects and tasks for them to help me with.

Make it happen is one my favorite things to say:


Tuesday May 17th, 2016

We have a great line up for Sharpen the Paw on Friday! Here are the different activities. What a great opportunity for students, and a great way to sharpen the saw as we end the fourth quarter:

4th Quarter Sharpen the Paw Activities

Please help remind families about the school picnic lunch on Friday.

This thought is a good reminder to make every day count. Please don't show movies as the year is ending. Students have almost 3 months this summer to sit in front of the tv and play video games. Make every day count:


Monday May 16th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Jensen

     PM Bus: Lindquist
    Lounge: Garcia

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   May 16th, 2016- Monday- student lighthouse team

   May 16th, 2016- Monday- Grade level teaming 1st-5th

   May 18th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team
   May 18th, 2016- Wednesday- 5th Grade COW Day- PM at CSI Expo Center  

   May 18th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff and their families party after school- for those retiring & leaving

   May 19th, 2016- Thursday- 4th Grade Boise field trip- all day

   May 19th, 2016- Thursday- Grade level teaming Kindergarten
   May 19th, 2016- Thursday- 4th quarter classified staff meeting
   May 20th, 2016- Friday- 4th quarter Sharpen the Paw- 9:15-11:15
   May 20th, 2016- Friday- School Picnic Lunch outside- front lawn 


   May 20th, 2016- Friday- 4th Grade City Pool- walking- PM

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
    Triner- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Grade level teaming has a teacher leading who attended the final BSU math class this last week. This has been a great opportunity this year. Anybody who is interested can attend a grade level teaming this week. K-2 will be learning about place value. 3rd-5th grade will be learning about multiplication, division, and algebraic thinking.

For the 4th quarter classified staff meeting, I will come to you! I'll be checking in with classified staff through out the school day, to assist with planning and needs for next year.

There is a reason we post pictures on our school website and twitter. We have so many positive things to be proud of at Harrison. We want families and the community to hear and see from staff first hand what is going on in the school. I loved greeting second grade students as they arrived back from their swim trip Friday afternoon. There were so many wet and happy kids, and wet staff! This included staff from our PRC classroom. Thank you! Teachers were in the pool so all students who earned the field trip were able to participate and be safe/supervised. No pictures of swimming, but other great pictures from the week:

Pictures This Week

Here is a thought to start the week. Look for opportunities to share positives. Could be in person, on paper, or even online:


Friday May 13th, 2016

The move-a-thon assembly will start at 10:45, and we'll be outside on the South grass. Mr. Matlock may not want to see eggs again after it is over.

The after school program is over for the school year. Please help remind students.

Have a great Friday!


Thursday May 12th, 2016

We have fifth grade completing the last part of their math ISAT test today. The last, yes last, day of testing!

Thank you to everybody for assisting with keeping hallways quiet, helping to monitor testing in rooms, giving students pep talks and encouraging words, switching recesses to accommodate, ensuring students are fed yummy food, and everything in between. It might only be 3rd-5th taking the ISAT, but it involves a whole school staff/team using synergy to ensure everything runs smoothly. Thank you!

Please remember that we have our Move-a-Thon assembly on Friday, outside, at 10:45.

As we finish the last days of the school year, it feels extra busy with end of the year field trips, activities, paperwork, and other tasks. This article is shared from Mrs. Rodriguez. It is a great reminder of why we are in the career that we are in, our calling.

You have to love number three in the article, the honesty of children, like calling you a burnt hot dog when you think you have a nice tan. Number one is so true. Our kids love to help. I have my first cold of the year, in May, and I had so many kids concerned on Wednesday about my lack of a voice:

11 Reasons Teaching is the Best

Thought for the day:


Wednesday May 11th, 2016

We have a staff meeting after school in the library, and we will start at about 3:50. We have both Rhonda Birnie and Mrs. Pauley leading.

Please help remind students that the last day of the after school program is Thursday. The before school program does not end.

Thought for the day:


Tuesday May 10th, 2016

Fifth grade students will be completing the first part of their math ISAT test. Please help keep that hallway quiet.

This is a great article about the importance of building positive relationships with students, so they know that at least one person cares about them. Our school sharpen the saw activity is next week as well:

Building Relationships With Students

We all get the great opportunity to create change, everyday:


Monday May 9th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Tahiri

     PM Bus: Moore
    Lounge: Anderson

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   May 9th, 2016- Monday- Grade level teaming 1st-5th


   May 10th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade level teaming Kindergarten
   May 10th-12th, 2016- Flourishing Families Series- 21st CCLC Grant

   May 11th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team
   May 11th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   May 12th, 2016- Thursday- Staff lighthouse team meeting

   May 12th, 2016- Thursday- Kindergarten eats lunch at school- burritos 

   May 12th, 2016- Thursday- 2nd Grade fire prevention 1:15

   May 12th, 2016- Thursday- Last day of after school program (Before school doesn't end.)

   May 13th, 2016- Friday- Move-a-Thon assembly: 10:45- outside 

   May 13th, 2016- Friday- 2nd Grade City Pool 1:00 pm

Assessment Schedule for the week:

   May 10th, 2016- Tuesday- 5th: Math CAT ISAT- 9:00 am

   May 12th, 2016- Thursday- 5th: Math Performance Task ISAT- 9:00 am 

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
    Miller- Habit 4: Think win-win

We have an awesome line up for the flourishing families series. A big thank you to Ms. Reese for arranging this! It is a requirement of our 21st century grant to have family learning, and this is such a great opportunity. This will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Times are 5:15-5:40 for the first sessions, and 5:40-6:00 for the second session. We have flyers by the front door. Session topics include:

     a. Preventing the summer slide
     b. Cooking Matters- shopping and cooking on a budget
     c. CSI admissions- college opportunities
     d. Wellness Tree Clinic- free health and dental care for uninsured families
     e. Dept of Heath and Human Services- child care program and food stamps program
     f. Eat Smart Idaho- nutrition
     g. Mrs. Depew- relaxation for children

Please share the flourishing families flyer with families:

Flourishing Families

For the grade level teaming on Monday/Tuesday, anybody can attend. One teacher from each grade level has been attending a math class this year that has been led by BSU. They will be leading/sharing the recent training information. K-2 will be learning about geometry, and 3-5 will be learning about measurement.

For the staff meeting, Mrs. Pauley will be leading. Second grade teachers have been piloting a new standards based report card. They will be sharing successes, tips for next year, obstacles and areas they learned from, and areas to grow. 

Also for the staff meeting, Rhonda Birnie will be sharing math ideas.

Just a few pictures from this past week. A few of our staff members did a cool fun run that had an inflatable obstacle course, we received a new friendship bench for the playground, Kindergarten Open House, and more:

Pictures This Week

If you have visited out preschool-1st grade classrooms, you'd agree. Keep smiling and don't be afraid to be different:


Friday May 6th, 2016

Today is the last food feast day, and what a week it has been! We have had several great parents bringing in foods and drinks, setting up, and assisting with all the food this week. Today we have root beer floats during the last afternoon recess, as well as chips and dips.

Student leaders are selling caramel apple suckers and pencils today. It is also Friday fun, dressing like a future career.

Have a great Friday!

Great thought:


Thursday May 5th, 2016

We had a great Kindergarten Open House Wednesday. We started in the library with a welcome and introductions, and it was packed. Thank you to everybody who assisted!

Today is our Panda Express fundraiser, from 11 am to 9 pm. Please remind students and families. Panda Express is the company that funds our Leader in Me grant, and money earned will go towards our playground fundraiser.

The food feast today for teacher-staff appreciation week is breakfast! We have an assortment of yummy items, like bagels and yogurt. There is also some pizza left over you could eat for lunch.

This is good to remember. We've had several opportunities this year to practice:


Wednesday May 4th, 2016

Please help remind students and families about our Panda Express fundraiser on Thursday, from 11 am- 9 pm. People will need a coupon, and we have extras in the office.

The food feast today for teacher-staff appreciation week, is a pizza lunch! Mrs. Jensen won a free staff pizza party while participating in a Leader in Me webinar. Awesome! We saved it for this special week. There will also be salads, desserts, and other yummy foods.

We have a late night of Kindergarten registration, during open house, until 6:30 pm tonight. This works well for families who aren't able to leave work during the day. Kindergarten open house starts at 5:00.

So true:


Tuesday May 3rd, 2016

We started Teacher-Staff appreciation week on Monday with a great assortment of healthy fruit, yogurt, and other breakfast items. We have a different group of moms leading each food feast day this week. Tuesday features a great assortment of toppings for a salad bar, with desserts and other yummy foods. Lunch should be ready between 11-11:15 am.

Fifth grade will be taking the first part of their ELA ISAT test. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway quiet.

It's always nice to recognize staff, and we have a great group this month. Here are the staff Oscars for April:

April Staff Oscars

With it being teacher/staff appreciation week, thank you for all you do: especially for what is often not seen: