

Thursday October 22nd, 2015

Please remind students and families that there is no school tomorrow, Friday.

Please remind students and families about our Lights on After School family event that is tonight, starting at 5 pm. The three rooms for activities are the lunchroom, library, and room #19. A big thank you to Mrs. Nail and Mrs. Vandenbosch for letting us use their rooms!

As I have attended conferences this week, one of my favorite parts is the victory section of the leadership notebooks. Every student has something to celebrate. I have heard often about perfect attendance for the first quarter. We are working hard to increase attendance, like last year. Last year we had 161 students with perfect attendance for the first quarter, and this year we have 217 students with perfect attendance for the first quarter. We have several others who only missed 1 or 2 days. Awesome!

We will be having the Getting Ready for Kindergarten workshops again this year. This is a great opportunity for families, and a great partnership with United Way. Please share this post from the school website with families. The first workshop is November 9th:

Getting Ready for Kindergarten Workshops

I was in a second grade classroom, and saw students using google hangouts with their gmail, with the second grade classroom next door. Blended learning! This is a great real life skill that incorporates speaking and listening standards:

This picture is from Mrs. Mason's weekly STEM class on Wednesday. This is a fourth grade classroom driving their own learning as they complete a blended learning lesson. They had all the links and videos on the teacher's Science blog. They were all completing the same assignment, but had choice with the videos, articles, and websites as they clicked on links from the blog. Digital literacy and media literacy were being learned as well. Cool beans! The best part was hearing students ask if they could sit by students who needed assistance with reading, so they could model and help.

Mrs. Mason's Science Blog

Have a restful Friday after a long week of student led conferences, and a great weekend!

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