

Monday August 17th, 2015

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Lindquist
     PM Bus: Sweet
     Lounge: Coleman

Meetings/Reminders for the week:  

   August 17th, 2015- Monday- Opening Event at Roper: 8:30

   August 17th, 2015- Monday- Staff Retreat in Library: 1-4 

   August 18th, 2015- Tuesday- Teacher Work Day

   August 18th, 2015- Tuesday-Open House 5:00-6:30

   August 19th, 2015- Wednesday- Teacher Work Day

   August 19th, 2015- Wednesday- myON Reading Training in Library: 1-3:30

   August 20th, 2015- Thursday- School Starts 8:50

   August 21st, 2015- Friday- 1st Quarter Classified Staff Meeting: 8:20 or 10:30

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements: 

   Hammond- Habit #1: Be Proactive

A big thank you to Ms. Reese for leading the STEM camp! The activities were excellent and just awesome. Week two included dairy science, fruits and vegetable farming, dissecting rats, anatomy lessons, rockets, robotics, printmaking, art, synergy with games, science experiments, and more. There were so many smiling faces all week!

School starts on Thursday! Supervision outside starts at 8:25, with breakfast for 2nd-5th starting at 8:15 in the lunchroom. Kindergarten and 1st have breakfast in the classroom. The before school program will start in September, but we will provide supervision for students starting on the first day of school starting at 7:30 if families ask. Students can go to the library. Ms. Reese will have applications available for the before and after school program during Open House.

We will have a staff meeting for all classified staff on Friday. We will go over a variety of items, and will answer any questions that you have. Please choose the time that works best, either 8:20 or 10:30. The 8:20 meeting will be in Mrs. Kenyon's classroom, and the 10:30 option will be in the lunchroom.

For the staff retreat Tuesday afternoon, please bring a device. I'll email the powerpoint Monday morning. You'll be able to click on links, have resources, and have the agenda right at your fingertips. 

A big thank you to Chobani for providing yogurt for our Open House. I emailed back in June, and we will be providing yogurt to families as they visit. There will also be sign up sheets in the front entry way for families to sign up for different activities that they would like to help with. We have two moms already that are excited to help with the yogurt.

For both the classified staff meetings and the staff retreat, you will notice papers on the tables. You'll have question prompts and items to complete with your table group as people arrive. This is a great inclusion activity, as we continue to strengthen the great staff that we have at Harrison. 

As we start the new school year, please let me know if you need any help with your school gmail or google apps like drive. This is used daily at Harrison, and we have talented staff members that can assist.

10 Ideas for Google Docs

Leadership notebooks are a crucial piece of the puzzle for our students. These are more than just collecting data. Leadership notebooks empower students to own their own learning. There are goals, reflection, and victories. All of our students have one. Here is an article with a brief overview:

Leadership Notebooks

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