Please help remind students that school is dismissed Friday at 1:30, and that there is no school for kindergarten students on Friday.
We have an upcoming staff meeting that all staff members are invited to attend, not just certified. Dr. Dobbs will be presenting at the February 25th staff meeting. He will be sharing information about the upcoming March supplemental levy. We will start about 3:45.
The leadership assembly will start at 2:50 in the gym. We have student leaders really excited to lead the event.
Here is a resource from Khrista for betting understanding our refugee students. On the left side you can choose the country you are interested in. This is a great resource:
Refugee Populations
We had Norma Bailey visit classrooms on Wednesday. She is the region 4 school improvement coordinator, with the state department. A big thank you to all the classrooms that let a mini group of adults visit and see a snapshot of all the great learning occurring. The best has to be walking in and hearing teachers say they are trying something new with technology, and then just keep on teaching as if we weren't there. That willingness to try new things is a great example for students:
Part of leadership opportunities for students, is also training the next person. Here is our menu leader training the next leader to write the menus every morning:
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