Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Triner
PM Bus: Pauley
Lounge: Fullmer
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
December 8th, 2014- Monday- Choir Concert 6-7:30 at Canyon Ridge
December 9th, 2014- Tuesday- Melissa Gone- Student Records and Privacy Legal Class
December 9th, 2014- Tuesday- RTI
December 9th, 2014- Tuesday- 21st CCLC Grant Advisory Board Meeting 7pm in Library
December 10th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
December 10th, 2014- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
December 11th, 2014- Thursday- Melissa & Anne Gone- Regional Principal Coaching in Utah for
Leader in Me Grant
December 12th, 2014- Friday- PTA Popcorn .50 ¢
12th, 2014- Friday- Stomp Out Bullying Day! Wear your favorite rain boots, or
cowboy/cowgirl boots, sparkly boots, snow boots, or any other kind of
December 12th, 2014- Friday- Leader In Me Consultant in Building, from Leader in Me Grant
There are two weeks left in December, and they are very full weeks. Students will be watching plenty of movies, and playing plenty of video games, over the break. Please continue to maintain a focus on learning.
Here is a great project from Mrs. Jacobson. Kindergarten students added voice to their turkeys, speaking and listening standards!
Here is the agenda for the Friday Leader in Me all day training with the consultant. There is time built into the schedule for all staff, certified and classified. If you are not a grade level teacher, feel free to attend where ever it fits best in your schedule.
Consultant Training Schedule
Please remind students about the stomp out bullying day on Friday. Students can wear any type of boots.
This week is Hour of Code! All students kindergarten-fifth grade will be participating in coding when they go to their computer class with Mrs. Sorensen. She has already been working with some students, and they love the coding lessons.
Hour of Code
The staff meeting on Wednesday will start with Dr. Eller from ISU sharing information about student placements. We will then have an opportunity for you to show off all the great things you are doing in your classroom. As we've talked, look at domain 4 from your teacher evaluation form. That domain often has the behind the scenes items that are often not seen. You can also share from other domains. Each grade level, and certified block teachers, will have a table to display items. We will have a gallery walk to share, learn, and collaborate with each other.
Domain 4:
Professional Responsibilities
Reflecting on Teaching
Maintaining Accurate Records
Communicating with Families
Contributing to the School and District
Growing and Developing Professionally
Showing Professionalism
We've been talking about digital citizenship. Here is a link with several resources. If you use a technology device with students, digital citizenship should be a seamless piece integrated with instruction regularly:
Digital Citizenship