

Thursday November 6th, 2014

Thursday is a busy day, and we will need flexibility with intervention groups. This is our once a month meeting day for grade level teams that includes Title 1, ESL, and resource. Here is a reminder of the schedule for the day:

1. Kinder Grade Level Teaming with Wonders reading rep, Title 1, ESL, coach, and resource-
    8 am- Bring all your questions, and something to take notes with.

2. 1st Quarter Leadership Assembly in the gym- 8:40 am-
    Bring iPad to take attendance, and use both doors to help quickly get seated.

3. 1st-5th Grade Level Teaming with Wonders reading rep, Title 1, ESL, coach, and resource-
    9:35-4 pm- Bring all your questions, and something to take notes with.

4. Principal lunch with grade level leaders for September/October- 11:30 am in library

We had three teachers do the scratch for schools Wednesday night. Great job Anne, Julie, and Sally! We will use the money for Leader in Me environmental items. Here is a picture:

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