

Wednesday September 24th, 2014

Picture day! We need every staff member to have their picture taken. Somebody will come get your class, or call you when it is time.

This is a great video about having a positive attitude from Ted. This would be great to share with students.


Staff Meeting today will start about 3:45. I'll be coming from a meeting at Canyon Ridge. We'll meet by the office. The first part of the meeting will be visiting classrooms to discuss objectives. Not only does this go with one of our WISE tool indicators, but also the indicator we are working on about developing leadership in staff.

Teachers will be sharing how they post and refer to objectives, strategies they use, what has not worked for them, if they have student leaders assisting, and other strategies that have been successful. Here is the plan for our tour of classrooms:

1. Jacobson- K
2. Moulson- 1st
3. Enders- 2nd
4. Osborn- 3rd
5. Miller (and Fullmer Sharing)- 4th
6. Warner- 5th

Second part of staff meeting will be about safety items. Please bring a pen to take notes.

Here are some pictures from the after school program.

This is Bill from CSI. Students are preparing for a future hover craft that will lift off the ground. Before that, they are making mini ones to understand the science and engineering background.

This is a 4th and 5th grade math group with Ms. Warner. Yes, the clock says almost 5- but there is still learning after school is out!

Sign Language with Mrs. Lancaster.

Art class learning about textures and three dimensions.

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