

Wednesday October 1st, 2014

Habit #8 helps students to understand that their voice matters. This isn't accomplished only orally, but also through writing. This was one of the main themes at Idaho Leads the last two days. Many items mentioned at the training went perfectly with Leader in Me and other activities we are already doing in our building. We'll use some of the ideas with upcoming staff meetings, teaming meetings, and our school improvement plan to help fine tune our direction. Student voice is a powerful tool, and we definitely have seen that with our students.

One of the other topics mentioned was belonging. This is something we are always striving to improve with students, staff, and families. Think also about books and images, and then the diversity we have at Harrison. We need students to see pictures that they can relate to. Even our library has more multicultural books this year. Here is a reflective article that illustrates both student voice and belonging:

First Grade Student

Here is an image from Mr. Fullmer. This picture would be great to discuss with students, or for a writing activity, using the topics of student voice and belonging:

Have a great 4 day weekend with your friends and family!


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