

Friday September 26th, 2014

It is an all hands on deck kind of day. We have several teachers out today because of our Leader in Me training today. Please assist the guest teachers at your grade level and help them feel welcomed. This is the trainer, and she has quite the experience in her background. We are really lucky to have her:


Here are two parent notes I posted on the school website about creativity. These would be great to share on your classroom blogs and or email distribution lists to families. We have several great pieces of student work and student art in the hallways.

Creativity Note in Spanish

Ms. Warner's fifth grade class has a student leader greeting the class every morning as they walk into their classroom.  Here is a picture and a video of the awesome welcome from Pablo. What a way to feel welcomed! You'll also notice Thursday was pajama day.

Welcome Video

We are so lucky to have chromebooks this year. These are pictures from Mr. Fullmer's fourth grade classroom. Students were learning about changing landscapes and natural disasters, from the new reading curriculum. Students then were extending their learning as they researched about landscapes and natural disasters on the internet.

I looked at the students, most we have had since kindergarten, and knew some have had really difficult home situations. We are high poverty, but here they were with a chromebook on their desk! We are closing the digital divide and leveling the playing field. They might not have access to technology at home, but we do at school.

Here are two pictures from the after school program with students learning morse code. They were sending messages back and forth and were so engaged with the activity, as they synergized with their group to decipher the messages. 

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