

Wednesday August 27th, 2014

Please let me know if you have a student that could use the assistance of a Friday food bag. Permission forms are on my desk, in both English and Spanish. Feel free to take as needed.

Here is the RTI referral form. You can open in Word and type right on the document. It is also on the documents tab for you to access anytime. Remember to enter notes, interventions, and any important information in Milepost.

RTI Referral Form

Some students shine a little brighter than others after the first day of school. We have several great resources in our building if you need ideas and strategies for behaviors, classroom management, or academic interventions. From the counselor, to the coach, to resource, Title 1, ESL, mentor, behavior para, other teachers, and us in the office- let us know and we can help direct to the best resource that fits the need. Everybody has a talent and strength to share with others.

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