Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Sweet
PM Bus: Dickinson/Bloxham
Lounge: Vandenbosch
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 2nd, 2014- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th: with Title 1, Resource, and ESL
September 3rd, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
September 4th, 2014- Thursday- Grade Level Teaming Kinder: with Title 1, Resource, and ESL
Please continue to turn in signed computer use agreement forms and google apps for education forms. We need to enter this in Powerschool, so we do need them from all grades. For second through fifth grade, I will email your student gmail information as I receive the forms.
I added a tab at the top of the staff blog for chromebooks. You'll always have one spot to go back to for reference. There are cheat sheets for drive, sharing, the classroom app, and ideas for integrating with instruction.
The first lessons with the chromebooks should be about digital citizenship, but this should also be a routinely integrated discussion with all students throughout the school year even if students are not using the chromebooks. We have iPads and computer use all the way down to our preschoolers. Some resources for this are below, and please share if you find other resources that you would recommend.
Activity with Video
Remember 'more than 1.' Email should have the parent email if possible. Great way to also include and engage families in their child's educational learning.
3-5 Video
As we start the week, this is a great article to read. Have a great week!
Heart of an Educator
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014
Thursday August 28th, 2014
Thank you for your patience with the grass outside today. I gave out sidewalk chalk to compensate for the lack of play space, and that seemed like a great treat.
Time cards are due at 9am.
If you have any field trips or special activities, please let me know. I will add that information to the school website, google calendar, and school app.
Please see Linda for the certificates that go with the 'What Every Employee Should Know.' I added the slides to the documents tab. We can help you find a computer to view the information.
Here is the note going home to families today, if you didn't send on Wednesday. Safety is really important, so hopefully this note will help address concerns. The back side has upcoming Fall dates.
Note for First Week
Back Side
Here is a post from the school website about parent involvement with homework. This would be great to share with families via email or your class blog.
Parent Homework Tips
The first quarter schedule for extra computer time slots is on the schedules tab.
Please bring any technology policy forms and google apps for education forms to the office so I can start making a master list.
Please try to get the student file form, items to look for in the files, to me by September 12th.
Linda has been working hard to get every student registered. Then this bag came on Wednesday from Scholastic, the secretary is the heart of the school. Perfect timing! Thanks Linda for the experience and knowledge you bring!
Might be Thursday, but it's the last day of the week. See on Tuesday! Have a great weekend with your friends and family!
Time cards are due at 9am.
If you have any field trips or special activities, please let me know. I will add that information to the school website, google calendar, and school app.
Please see Linda for the certificates that go with the 'What Every Employee Should Know.' I added the slides to the documents tab. We can help you find a computer to view the information.
Here is the note going home to families today, if you didn't send on Wednesday. Safety is really important, so hopefully this note will help address concerns. The back side has upcoming Fall dates.
Note for First Week
Back Side
Here is a post from the school website about parent involvement with homework. This would be great to share with families via email or your class blog.
Parent Homework Tips
The first quarter schedule for extra computer time slots is on the schedules tab.
Please bring any technology policy forms and google apps for education forms to the office so I can start making a master list.
Please try to get the student file form, items to look for in the files, to me by September 12th.
Linda has been working hard to get every student registered. Then this bag came on Wednesday from Scholastic, the secretary is the heart of the school. Perfect timing! Thanks Linda for the experience and knowledge you bring!
Might be Thursday, but it's the last day of the week. See on Tuesday! Have a great weekend with your friends and family!
Wednesday August 27th, 2014
Please let me know if you have a student that could use the assistance of a Friday food bag. Permission forms are on my desk, in both English and Spanish. Feel free to take as needed.
Here is the RTI referral form. You can open in Word and type right on the document. It is also on the documents tab for you to access anytime. Remember to enter notes, interventions, and any important information in Milepost.
RTI Referral Form
Some students shine a little brighter than others after the first day of school. We have several great resources in our building if you need ideas and strategies for behaviors, classroom management, or academic interventions. From the counselor, to the coach, to resource, Title 1, ESL, mentor, behavior para, other teachers, and us in the office- let us know and we can help direct to the best resource that fits the need. Everybody has a talent and strength to share with others.
Here is the RTI referral form. You can open in Word and type right on the document. It is also on the documents tab for you to access anytime. Remember to enter notes, interventions, and any important information in Milepost.
RTI Referral Form
Some students shine a little brighter than others after the first day of school. We have several great resources in our building if you need ideas and strategies for behaviors, classroom management, or academic interventions. From the counselor, to the coach, to resource, Title 1, ESL, mentor, behavior para, other teachers, and us in the office- let us know and we can help direct to the best resource that fits the need. Everybody has a talent and strength to share with others.
Tuesday August 26th, 2014
IRI testing starts today with kindergarten students. Thanks MaryAnn! Something to ponder with school starting earlier, we have four year old students in kindergarten. It was a great team effort with many staff members assisting with kindergarten on Monday. We can't wait to see the growth in the Spring!
The block schedules for all four quarters, and the pledge schedule, are both on the schedules tab. Thanks Lesa!
The right side of the school website has the August and September menus for breakfast, lunch, and the after school snack.
RTI will be on Tuesday mornings this year. Please let MaryAnn know when you have students you would like to discuss.
Communicating with families is one item on teacher evaluations. Here is a great article with tips. A great goal would be to communicate something positive about every student in your classroom, within the first month of school. That could be a phone call, email, or a note home. That will set a positive step towards a successful school year with parents/guardians.
Communicating with Families
Here are a few pictures from the first day of school. Thank you to everybody who jumped in and helped wherever they saw a need.
First Day Pictures
Monday August 25th, 2014
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Lindquist
PM Bus: Sweet
Lounge: Long
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
August 25th, 2014- Monday- First Day of School. Breakfast at 8am and Bell rings at 8:40
August 26th, 2014- Tuesday- PRC classified meeting 8:00 in library
August 26th, 2014- Tuesday- classified staff meeting Title 1/ESL/Resource- 8:30 in library
August 27th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
August 29th, 2014- Friday- No School
September 1st, 2014- Monday- No School
Please remember that we park across the street at the church, or on the side by the gym. The front parking is for families and visitors. We also have students in the PRC and preschool that need those front spaces. This also helps with the lack of parking on Wirsching for the preschool.
Bus Routes are on the schedules tab, so you can access anytime. We also have copies of the routes on the table by the office if you have families that ask for one.
Let us know in the office if students need school supplies or a backpack.
Please remember to update your contact information in the office.
Subfinder should have your start and end time entered.
Thank you for bringing money to the office from student fees. There should be no money in your classroom.
The technology policy form, and the google apps for education form, can both be placed on my desk as you get them signed.
Here is a reminder of the book reading schedule for the first week. I'm excited to come visit all the classrooms!
Book Reading
Have an awesome first day of school! We will probably have students enrolling Monday morning, so patience and smiling faces is the plan as we welcome families.

source: passionforsavings.com
AM Bus: Lindquist
PM Bus: Sweet
Lounge: Long
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
August 25th, 2014- Monday- First Day of School. Breakfast at 8am and Bell rings at 8:40
August 26th, 2014- Tuesday- PRC classified meeting 8:00 in library
August 26th, 2014- Tuesday- classified staff meeting Title 1/ESL/Resource- 8:30 in library
August 27th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
August 29th, 2014- Friday- No School
September 1st, 2014- Monday- No School
Please remember that we park across the street at the church, or on the side by the gym. The front parking is for families and visitors. We also have students in the PRC and preschool that need those front spaces. This also helps with the lack of parking on Wirsching for the preschool.
Bus Routes are on the schedules tab, so you can access anytime. We also have copies of the routes on the table by the office if you have families that ask for one.
Let us know in the office if students need school supplies or a backpack.
Please remember to update your contact information in the office.
Subfinder should have your start and end time entered.
Thank you for bringing money to the office from student fees. There should be no money in your classroom.
The technology policy form, and the google apps for education form, can both be placed on my desk as you get them signed.
Here is a reminder of the book reading schedule for the first week. I'm excited to come visit all the classrooms!
Book Reading
Have an awesome first day of school! We will probably have students enrolling Monday morning, so patience and smiling faces is the plan as we welcome families.
source: passionforsavings.com
Friday August 22nd, 2014
Despite the weather, we had an excellent open house. Please make sure to thank PTA for the fry truck and their help making the fries.
Please remember that Hub International will be in the library at 10:30 to discuss benefits.
Greeting people is an important part of the Leader in Me program, and it is also an important real life skill. Our students will be using this all through school, college, and future careers. This is a great video to share with students.
Greeting Video
As you are assisting students with their data notebooks, this is a great visual for the goal setting.
Please remember that Hub International will be in the library at 10:30 to discuss benefits.
Greeting people is an important part of the Leader in Me program, and it is also an important real life skill. Our students will be using this all through school, college, and future careers. This is a great video to share with students.
Greeting Video
As you are assisting students with their data notebooks, this is a great visual for the goal setting.
Thursday August 21st, 2014
Jenny our 21st Century coordinator will be at CSI next week for the welcome day community fair. We are looking for college students that could assist with after school activities, lunch buddies, and homework/tutoring assistance during lunch. Here is a snapshot of the event:
Welcome Event
Here is the post on our school website about naming the new schools. This link would be great to post on your class blogs, or if you have an email distribution list for your classroom.
Name The New Schools
Duty Schedule is ready to print and it is on the schedules tab.
Preschool classified staff, we will be meeting at 8:30 in the library.
Here is the sharpen the saw video of staff pictures that was shared at the staff retreat.
Staff Video
We had two pictures after the video was made:
Open House is 5-6:30.

Welcome Event
Here is the post on our school website about naming the new schools. This link would be great to post on your class blogs, or if you have an email distribution list for your classroom.
Name The New Schools
Duty Schedule is ready to print and it is on the schedules tab.
Preschool classified staff, we will be meeting at 8:30 in the library.
Here is the sharpen the saw video of staff pictures that was shared at the staff retreat.
Staff Video
We had two pictures after the video was made:
Open House is 5-6:30.
Wednesday August 20th, 2014
We have had two great days of training for the new reading curriculum and assessment. The first day of school of quickly approaching!
Everybody, all staff members, will start Wednesday morning at Roper. Classified will attend in the afternoon for more training, and certified will have a staff retreat at Harrison that starts at 1pm.
We have mostly women in the building, and several young children amongst our staff. This is a great video:
Women in the Workplace
Everybody, all staff members, will start Wednesday morning at Roper. Classified will attend in the afternoon for more training, and certified will have a staff retreat at Harrison that starts at 1pm.
We have mostly women in the building, and several young children amongst our staff. This is a great video:
Women in the Workplace
Tuesday August 19th, 2014
As school will be starting soon, we will again have 30 food bags going home every Friday. Please let me know if you know of a student/family that could use the assistance. With Open House and meeting families, you might hear and learn about a family in need. Here is a powerpoint with an overview of the program. Some slides might not apply directly to you, but there are several that give a nice overview of the program.
Backpack Program
Here are a few more bathroom pictures.
Backpack Program
Here are a few more bathroom pictures.
Monday August 18th, 2014
As you are starting back to school, please check in with Linda. She has our annual form to double check your address, phone number, birthday, and other important information.
The Fry Truck will be at Open House on the 21st! There is no cost, and there is fry sauce!
Please continue to email a picture from your summer, sharpening the saw. I am putting together a staff video. This includes all staff, not just certified.
Under schedules, the ones that are ready for you to print are: bell schedule, block schedule, and master schedule. We are still finalizing the duty schedule, intervention schedule, master staff list, bus routes, and phone extensions- so please don't print those yet.
Here is a recap of the activities, trainings, and meetings for the week:
August 18th-19th- Reading and Assessment Training for Certified Staff- Plan on starting at 8:30 am.
August 18th and 19th- Kindergarten Open House 5-7 pm. They often come to the big Open House, but this is a special one where they are able to come in a smaller group and learn more about kindergarten and their classroom. PTA has welcome goodie bags for every student to help welcome them to our school. We will also have the office open for k-5 registration until 7pm both days.
August 20th, 2014- Opening Program 8:30 am, at Roper.
August 20th, 2014- 12:30 PM is classified training at Roper. This is for every classified staff member.
August 20th, 2014- Staff Retreat for certified. We will be in the library and plan on starting at 1pm.
August 21st, 2014- Preschool classified staff meeting- We will start at 8:30 am.
August 21st, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
August 21st, 2014- Open House 5:00-6:30- Class lists are posted at Open House.
August 22nd, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
Thank you to everybody who have assisted in some way this past week to help brighten up our school. It is very inviting and goes right with the Leader in Me Program. From the staff room being cleaned, to bathrooms painted, hallways, and other projects. We've heard great comments from other Leader in Me schools about a reduction in bathroom behavior incidents when the bathrooms have been more inviting and have a sense of ownership, so we're hoping for the same at Harrison.
Here are just a few pictures of the hard work from teachers, Jen our PTA mom, and Anne's husband. Thank you!
The Fry Truck will be at Open House on the 21st! There is no cost, and there is fry sauce!
Please continue to email a picture from your summer, sharpening the saw. I am putting together a staff video. This includes all staff, not just certified.
Under schedules, the ones that are ready for you to print are: bell schedule, block schedule, and master schedule. We are still finalizing the duty schedule, intervention schedule, master staff list, bus routes, and phone extensions- so please don't print those yet.
Here is a recap of the activities, trainings, and meetings for the week:
August 18th-19th- Reading and Assessment Training for Certified Staff- Plan on starting at 8:30 am.
August 18th and 19th- Kindergarten Open House 5-7 pm. They often come to the big Open House, but this is a special one where they are able to come in a smaller group and learn more about kindergarten and their classroom. PTA has welcome goodie bags for every student to help welcome them to our school. We will also have the office open for k-5 registration until 7pm both days.
August 20th, 2014- Opening Program 8:30 am, at Roper.
August 20th, 2014- 12:30 PM is classified training at Roper. This is for every classified staff member.
August 20th, 2014- Staff Retreat for certified. We will be in the library and plan on starting at 1pm.
August 21st, 2014- Preschool classified staff meeting- We will start at 8:30 am.
August 21st, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
August 21st, 2014- Open House 5:00-6:30- Class lists are posted at Open House.
August 22nd, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
Thank you to everybody who have assisted in some way this past week to help brighten up our school. It is very inviting and goes right with the Leader in Me Program. From the staff room being cleaned, to bathrooms painted, hallways, and other projects. We've heard great comments from other Leader in Me schools about a reduction in bathroom behavior incidents when the bathrooms have been more inviting and have a sense of ownership, so we're hoping for the same at Harrison.
Here are just a few pictures of the hard work from teachers, Jen our PTA mom, and Anne's husband. Thank you!
Saturday August 9th, 2014
The next two weeks are going to be very busy. Here are a few items to put on your calendar, but are subject to change. The calendar tab on the staff blog has a staff calendar, same as last year. This is a great resource during the school year.
Please continue to email a picture from your summer, sharpening the saw. I am putting together a staff video. This includes all staff, not just certified. I love the pictures I have received so far.
The welcome letter to families will be going in the mail, and it is on the school website. Here is the letter for you to read as well.
Welcome Letter
August 11th, 2014- School Office Opens- This will be in Room #15 right by the office. Linda is all set up in that room, with even a copier machine. When summer school ends, Linda will be back in the front office. Please help families feel welcomed as you see them registering and visiting our school.
August 13th, 2014- Last Day of summer school. You should be able to get into your classrooms on Thursday the 14th. Please let me know if we need to replace, fix, or find anything.
August 15th, 2014- New teacher orientation.
August 16th, 2014- School Beautification Project- With the Leader in Me program, we will be meeting to paint and complete other projects around the school.
August 18th-19th- Reading and Assessment Training for Certified Staff- Plan on starting at 8:30 am. I have emailed the buildings for each grade level, but please email if you have questions. We have only received second and fourth grade reading materials, but we will let you know as soon as we receive the rest.
August 20th, 2014- Opening Program 8:30 am, at Roper.
August 20th, 2014- 12:30 PM is classified training at Roper. This is for every classified staff member.
August 20th, 2014- Staff Retreat for certified. We will be in the library and plan on starting at 1pm. Agenda includes an assortment of housekeeping items, IRI data, update on all of our grants, Leader in Me update, teacher evaluation form and cover sheet, classroom management and discipline review, and a few other items that may be added if time allows. Please bring your iPad or paper/pen to take notes. We have some teachers sharing and contributing, so it should be a great collaborative retreat to get us excited and ready for the upcoming school year.
August 21st, 2014- Preschool classified staff meeting- I will be going over housekeeping items, and Linda has a few refreshers as well. We will start at 8:30 am, and plan on about 45 minutes or so. All preschool staff who are on contract, but not certified, this is for you. We miss meeting with you because the staff retreat is for certified on the 20th, and my goal this year is to check in with you once a quarter.
August 21st, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
August 21st, 2014- Open House 5:00-6:30- Class lists are posted at Open House.
August 22nd, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
August 25th, 2014- First Day of School. Breakfast at 8am and bell rings at 8:40. Free lunch for all students this year. Cold lunch students still pay for milk. Students need to take the whole meal for it to be free. Adults still pay for breakfast and lunch.
August 26th, 2014- All classified staff meeting- This is not for preschool, because we meet on the 21st. This is for classified staff from areas such as resource, ESL, and Title 1. Goal is to meet once a quarter with you. Plan on starting at 8:30, for about 45 minutes or so. I have a few items, and Linda as well.
Please sign up for a time that I can read and visit with your class during the first days of school. You get 20 minutes, and I take your class. This includes all 6 rooms at the preschool and the prc classroom.
Sign Up Sheet
Please email me if you have any questions.
Please continue to email a picture from your summer, sharpening the saw. I am putting together a staff video. This includes all staff, not just certified. I love the pictures I have received so far.
The welcome letter to families will be going in the mail, and it is on the school website. Here is the letter for you to read as well.
Welcome Letter
August 11th, 2014- School Office Opens- This will be in Room #15 right by the office. Linda is all set up in that room, with even a copier machine. When summer school ends, Linda will be back in the front office. Please help families feel welcomed as you see them registering and visiting our school.
August 13th, 2014- Last Day of summer school. You should be able to get into your classrooms on Thursday the 14th. Please let me know if we need to replace, fix, or find anything.
August 15th, 2014- New teacher orientation.
August 16th, 2014- School Beautification Project- With the Leader in Me program, we will be meeting to paint and complete other projects around the school.
August 18th-19th- Reading and Assessment Training for Certified Staff- Plan on starting at 8:30 am. I have emailed the buildings for each grade level, but please email if you have questions. We have only received second and fourth grade reading materials, but we will let you know as soon as we receive the rest.
August 20th, 2014- Opening Program 8:30 am, at Roper.
August 20th, 2014- 12:30 PM is classified training at Roper. This is for every classified staff member.
August 20th, 2014- Staff Retreat for certified. We will be in the library and plan on starting at 1pm. Agenda includes an assortment of housekeeping items, IRI data, update on all of our grants, Leader in Me update, teacher evaluation form and cover sheet, classroom management and discipline review, and a few other items that may be added if time allows. Please bring your iPad or paper/pen to take notes. We have some teachers sharing and contributing, so it should be a great collaborative retreat to get us excited and ready for the upcoming school year.
August 21st, 2014- Preschool classified staff meeting- I will be going over housekeeping items, and Linda has a few refreshers as well. We will start at 8:30 am, and plan on about 45 minutes or so. All preschool staff who are on contract, but not certified, this is for you. We miss meeting with you because the staff retreat is for certified on the 20th, and my goal this year is to check in with you once a quarter.
August 21st, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
August 21st, 2014- Open House 5:00-6:30- Class lists are posted at Open House.
August 22nd, 2014- Teacher workday in your own classroom
August 25th, 2014- First Day of School. Breakfast at 8am and bell rings at 8:40. Free lunch for all students this year. Cold lunch students still pay for milk. Students need to take the whole meal for it to be free. Adults still pay for breakfast and lunch.
August 26th, 2014- All classified staff meeting- This is not for preschool, because we meet on the 21st. This is for classified staff from areas such as resource, ESL, and Title 1. Goal is to meet once a quarter with you. Plan on starting at 8:30, for about 45 minutes or so. I have a few items, and Linda as well.
Please sign up for a time that I can read and visit with your class during the first days of school. You get 20 minutes, and I take your class. This includes all 6 rooms at the preschool and the prc classroom.
Sign Up Sheet
Please email me if you have any questions.
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