AM Bus: M/T: Goodwin, W: Jacobson, & R/F: Lent
PM Bus: Lancaster
Lounge: Webb
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
Plato Testing all week.
March 10th, 2014- Monday- RTI
March 11th, 2014- Tuesday- Pastries with Parents Title 1 activity before school 7:30-8:40,
and Election Day
March 11th, 2014- Tuesday- Teaming with special ed, Title 1, and ESL
March 12th, 2014- Wednesday- Melissa all day at Harrison
March 12th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
March 12th, 2014- Wednesday- 4th and 5th Grade Choir Trip to Boise, and Bus leaves at 8:15 am.
March 12th, 2014- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
March 13th, 2014- Thursday- Chris only, Melissa all day at Oregon Trail
March 14th, 2014- Friday- Yearbook Money Due
March 14th, 2014- Friday- Talent Show at 6:30 pm.
The Friday lunch with Dr. Seuss was so much fun. The best comment I heard was from a kindergarten student who said to the cat in the hat dressed visitor "I loved all your movies!" Thank you again to Nicole for organizing all the Dr. Seuss guest readers and activities. Please email any pictures you took during the week.
It is definitely a team effort with morning duty this week, and a big thank you to everybody who offered to help.
It is a very full week, but several fun activities. The big items to help remind students and families about would be the pastries with parents, yearbook money, and the talent show.
Here is a computer option posted on the school website for students and their families:
Computers for Kids
Here is a posting on the school website from Mrs. Enders' class. I walked into the school Tuesday morning and hadn't even put my car keys away. Great example of common core standards.
Opinion Writing
I saw these young men Friday morning at the new bulletin board Anne put together for leadership jobs. Please encourage students to apply.
Student Leadership Jobs
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