AM Bus: Enders/Standley
PM Bus: Enders
Lounge: Moore
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
Nothing! Only two days this week, but perfect for reminders. Two days is perfect for reviewing classroom rules, 7 habits of Leader in Me, and important routines and procedures. Every day is an opportunity to start new, and Thursday provides that. Here is a great video and article that goes along with the thought of starting new:
Here is an article about a inspiring student:
Inspiration From A Child
Here is the December 2013 Student Newsletter. Thanks Anne for assisting!
December Newsletter
Here is the latest post on the school website. Feel free to share the picture collages with students:
School Website Post
Please turn in time cards to Linda, including tutoring time cards.
Thank you to everybody for the great food drive success: 1,285 food items!
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