

Thursday November 21st, 2013

Grit, tenacity, and perseverance are important 21st century skills. They are often mentioned in discussions about common core. The goals are high, there are challenges to persevere through, and cognitive skills are only one aspect. Students are expected to persevere through difficult situations both at school and in real life outside of school. We need students to know that it is ok to have failures along the way, but to keep going! Failure is a learning opportunity. We often talk about achievement, gaps, and test scores. Grit, tenacity, and perseverance are also essential skills that students need to possess.

Here is a TED talk about grit, and an article from ASCD. TED talks are supposed to get people thinking and talking, and this one does that:

Grit TED Talk

Grit ASCD Article

This handout is very long, but the first few pages would be very informative for you to read:

U.S. Department of Education

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