AM Bus: Standley
PM Bus: Moore
Lounge: Kolsen
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
December 2nd, Monday- RTI
December 2nd, Monday, Christmas program at Canyon Ridge, 6:30-8:00
December 4th, Wednesday- Eval Team
December 6th, Friday, Staff Christmas Party 6:30-8:30 pm- Everybody is invited!
Here is a great article on student success in an unlikely place:
At Risk Students
One item that is on the WISE tool for our indicators this year is pre and post assessments. Pre-assessments lead to mastery! Look for articles in your mailbox this week that address this item. We are all working on improving our star rating.
Here are pictures from Kambra and Lark, from Thanksgiving week:
We are on to December! There are just three weeks, but a significant amount of instruction can be taught during those three weeks.