AM Bus: Coleman
PM Bus: Jacobson
Lounge: Goodwin
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 21st, 2013, Monday- RTI
October 21st, 2013, Monday- 2nd Grade Fire Prevention 9am
October 23rd, 2013, Wednesday- Eval Team
October 23rd, 2013, Wednesday- Staff Meeting
October 24th, 2013, Thursday- Kinders to Pumpkin Patch 9 am and 1 PM
October 24th, 2013, Thursday- K PM and 1st Smiles for Kids 2:30
Conferences are quickly approaching. We have the schedules in the office, which is a big help when parents call. Please update if a conference date/time has changed. Please also let Chris, Anne, or I know if you would like one of us to attend a conference. It doesn't have to be because of something negative. We'd also love to attend conferences where there are successes and growth to celebrate.
Please remember to communicate with specials teachers and paras who work with your students. They really love the students they work with, and they feel terrible when they didn't know that a student had individual needs. There could be limited English, fine/gross motor concerns, social/emotional needs, and other items. You can use the form under documents called 'student screening form' to help guide those discussions.
The Twin Falls Education Foundation is starting something new. They will be selecting one teacher every month, both elementary and secondary, who has gone above and beyond. I put the information on the school website about the 'Teacher of the Month' program, and the nomination form. You can also click on the following link:
Teacher of the Month Nomination
School bus safety week is October 21st-25th. Here is one resource with blacklines, but there are other ideas you can google:
School Bus Safety Week Resource
Saw this comment online: By thinking of the Common Core assessments coming in 2015 as a starting line rather than an end point, doesn't that make the Common Core feel a little more hopeful and a little less doomsday?
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