

Friday November 1st, 2013

Friday is all yours, teacher workday. We're in the office if you need anything.

A big thank you to Lesa and Julie for helping to cover the office this week, with the secretary being out, as well as everybody that just jumped in to answer phones and help with other items that needed immediate attention. 

Thank you to everybody that helped provide costume pieces so every child had something for Halloween. We never have to worry about that at Harrison. We have staff with big hearts.

Last week I went through a classroom's files with Khrista to check the media forms. We found one student that was not marked in Powerschool.  I am going to go through files, classroom by classroom, on Friday. If you already have, please let me know. You might also have sent home media forms. Let me know if your classroom is all clear for media, or who individual students are that have marked no. I'll then update in Powerschool, and create a master list for the office. That will help when the district office takes pictures, the newspaper, school website, and other situations that arise.

NNU Paper is due today.

Anne has been interviewing students that applied for jobs at the Husky News.  I have to share a funny answer to one question:

Question: Why do you think that you would be a good Husky News member?
Answer: Good at eavesdropping.

Here is a great picture from lunch:

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