

Wednesday September 4th, 2013

We had a great first day of school! Lunchtime with first graders felt like being an airport traffic controller. Thank you for the extra help during lunch, as well as throughout the day.

We will be having the Friday food bags again. Please let me know if you have a student that you think would benefit from the program. Maybe after open house and the first day of school you have noticed or heard that a family could use the help. I have permission forms and can call; which we always do before we send the food bags home for the first time.

Please remind students that they need to go to the back before school starts, and we have breakfast/supervision starting at 8am.

Several have sent media forms home, and we also have the media opt out form on the school website. Please let me know if you have a student that cannot have his or her picture taken, and we can make sure that is in their file.

Here is a video with a few first day pictures that you can share with students:

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