

Wednesday August 14th, 2013

I added the bus routes under schedules. If a parent/guardian asks where the closest stop is by their house, you can go online and check.

We will have a new phone call out program. It goes right with Powerschool. It will include email and texts. Some families don't have texts on their phone plans, and we don't want them to incur charges. There is a text opt out form on the school website under school information. We will do our part from the office to inform families about the opt out option, such as with the school website and phone call out, but you might also include this in your first welcome back newsletter.

If a friend or neighbor asks when the school will be starting to register new students, that will be Monday August 19th. All the registration forms, and what is required for registration, are on the school website. 

The teachers at summer school have tried really hard to leave the classrooms just like you left them. Wednesday is the last day for summer school. I heard over and over about not wanting to touch something, for even something like a pencil. Please email me if you have any concerns when you go back to your classrooms. Thank you for being a great host this year for summer school.

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