Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 31st, 2022- Monday- Eval team
October 31st, 2022- Monday- Halloween parade at 1 pm and parties
November 1st, 2022- Tuesday- RTI/MTSS- room 14- 7:30 am
November 2nd, 2022- Wednesday-Breakfast with books and readers of the month
November 3rd, 2022- Thursday- Time with instructional coach- 2nd am and 3rd pm
November 4th, 2022- Friday- Friday fun is dress as your future career
November 4th, 2022- Friday- Student leaders selling zoo finger puppets for .50 cents each
Next week:
November 10th, 2022- Thursday- Fall Title 1 Family Night- 5:30-6:30 pm
November 11th, 2022- Friday- Time with instructional coach- 1st am and K pm
November 11th, 2022- Friday- Preventative Health- optional- room 18
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements- video:
Johns- Habit 3- Put first things first
Next week- Lancaster- Habit 4- Think win win
This post is a great review of social-emotional ideas to include when working with students:
We have pictures from first grade, as well as a presentation about healthy habits with our upper grade students. We also had almost 400 pumpkins donated from Chobani and a community neighborhood garden. Pumpkins are higher prices this year at supermarkets, so the donations were greatly appreciated. It was awesome watching students practice critical thinking skills and synergy as they figured out how to get the pumpkins home. Every student preschool-fifth grade received a free pumpkin to take home:
Thought for today: