Meetings/Reminders for the week:
January 24th, 2022- Monday- Eval team- video
January 24th, 2022- Monday- School is 8:00-12:45
January 24th, 2022- Monday-Friday- Great kindness challenge/Be an Upstander
January 25th, 2022- Tuesday- RTI/MTSS- video
January 25th, 2022- Tuesday- Spring pictures
January 26th, 2022- Wednesday- Staff meeting- 3:30 pm- video
January 28th, 2022- Friday- January leadership assembly- 8:05 am- video
Next week:
January 31st, 2022- 4th grade hygiene discussion with nurses- 10:00 am
February 1st, 2022- ALICE drill
February 4th, 2022- Friday Fun- dress as a super hero and slime for .50 cents each
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements- video:
Alexander- Habit 4- Think win win
Next week- Neilson- Habit 5- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
We have a few pictures from the last couple of weeks. We are really trying to encourage reading and increase reading skills. This matches our building WIG. We have pictures of readers in first grade. Even with inside recesses, students love to grab a book and read.
All of our students are engaged with online learning, via clever and Google classroom, starting in kindergarten. This has made learning at home easier this year, as absences have occurred, as well as when staff are out and guest teachers can continue teaching with the online resources. We have pictures of students practicing math skills online with their chromebooks.
We also have pictures of our January readers of the month. Feel free to share all of the pictures with students. They love seeing their friends and family members.
Pictures This Week
Thought for today: