Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 1st, 2021- Monday- Eval team- video
November 1st, 2021- Monday- District collaboration for grade levels/content areas
November 2nd, 2021- Tuesday- RTI/MTSS- video
November 2nd, 2021- Tuesday- Cinnamon rolls from Brady in the morning
- please let people know who aren't on district email
November 2nd, 2021- Tuesday- 3rd-5th Dental cleaning starts, all week- room 8, optional
November 2nd, 2021- Tuesday- 3rd and 4th grade level teaming with resource, ESL, and Title 1
November 3rd, 2021- Wednesday- Kinder, 1st-2nd, and 5th grade level teaming
- with resource, ESL, and Title 1
November 3rd, 2021- Wednesday- Flu mist and regular flu vaccine for staff and students,
- optional- 1:00 pm
November 5th, 2021- Friday- Friday fun- dress as your future career
November 5th, 2021- Friday- Student leaders selling sports ball erasers for .50 cents each
November 5th, 2021- Friday- Leader in Me training with coach- video
- we have a plan to cover without needing subs
Next week:
November 10th, 2021- Readers of the month and Breakfast with books
November 10th, 2021- Wear college shirts and sweatshirts
November 10th, 2021- Staff meeting
November 12th, 2021- New certified staff check in- 7:30 am- room #14
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements- video:
Pauley- Habit 3- Put first things first
Next week: Rodriguez- Habit 4- Think win win