

Wednesday September 1st, 2021

The main item today is grade level teaming. We will be discussing Istation data, student needs, and discussing plans for next steps. We have resource, Title 1, and ESL joining. This is via video. While we have students out due to sickness and waiting to complete their assessments, we are excited to have a starting place. Off we go up the hill to growth. 

This article is intended for new teachers, but it is a great resource for all staff. Key items mentioned include seeking out staff who bring positivity to the picture, be a learner, flexibility within the chaos, and remember to seek and understand the story of children. All the good stuff:


Thought for today:


Tuesday August 31st, 2021


Today is the last day of August. Autumn is around the corner. 

We have kindergarten hearing and vision screening today. 

Thought for today:


Monday September 30th, 2021

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 30th, 2021- Monday- Eval team- 7:35/video option

   August 30th, 2021- Monday- District collaboration- 2:15/2:30- video option

   August 31st, 2021- Tuesday- RTI/MTSS- 7:35- Room 14

   August 31st, 2021- Tuesday- Kindergarten hearing and vision screening

   September 1st, 2021- Wednesday- Grade level teaming- plus ESL, Resource, & Title 1- video

   September 2nd, 2021- Thursday- New certified staff check in- 7:35- room 14

   September 3rd, 2021- Friday- Early release for 1st-5th at 12:45, no school for kinders

   September 5th and 6th, 2021- No school for all students- Labor day and Data Day

Next week:

   September 8th, 2021- Wed.- Breakfast with Books/Readers of the Month- 7:35- no outside adults

   September 8th, 2021- Staff meeting- Evaluation information

   September 10th, 2021- Friday- Friday fun- Dress with class colors

   September 10th, 2021- Friday- Student leaders selling air head candies for .50 cents 

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements- video:

   Suto- Habit 3- Put first things first

            Next week: Alexander- Habit 3- Put first things first

Thought for the day:


Friday August 27th, 2021

We have made it to Friday. We have a very nice coffee and breakfast treat donation first thing in the morning. We have a very kind community that loves recognizing our school staff. We will have this set up in the hall area outside room 5. It is very much appreciated after the two weeks we have had. 

I think we would all like to be doing something fun right now. Enjoy the weekend. Thought for today:

                                                                                       source: UT Lab


Thursday August 26th, 2021

K-2 certified staff met last week to check in about standards and areas of focus for instruction and learning. We have 3rd-5th certified staff checking in after school today to do the same, as well as discuss next steps for ISAT preparation and focus areas.

I love this reminder. Try to point out the positives you see in staff, classrooms. While it feels like we are just trying to hold on, we do have much to recognize right now. We also have little humans that just love you and all that you give to help them at school. Thought for today:


Wednesday August 25th, 2021

We have our first monthly leadership assembly today. There is no good reason to squish everyone into the gym right now. This will be via video. If you don't have the link, please ask. Student leaders are really excited to lead.

We have our first monthly staff lighthouse meeting today. This will be after school, via video. The main item will be updating our Title 1 school wide plan. Let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda. 

All of these are great. Try to find one staff member today that fits one. We need this positive. Thought for today:


Tuesday August 24th, 2021

This is a great resource for all staff to read. Several of our students have not been in a school building since March 2020. We can feel it and see it. Our youngest students in kindergarten and first grade, several are starting in person learning for the first time. Add in larger, cozy classrooms. This post from GoGuardian has great reminders and tips from an elementary school counselor:

Return to In Person Learning

It is always challenging to provide professional development for staff, due to the shortage of guest teachers. We have put aside trainings more than once over the last few years. We have new staff completing a virtual Leader in Me training today. I am really excited to be able to offer this opportunity. Please also assist guest teachers that are in our building today. 

Thought for today:


Monday August 23rd, 2021

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 23rd, 2021- Monday- Eval team- 7:35/video option

   August 23rd, 2021- Monday- IRI/Istation fall testing

   August 23rd, 2021- Monday- Specials/block teacher check in- 2:25

   August 24th, 2021- Tuesday- RTI/MTSS- 7:35- Room 14

   August 24th, 2021- Tuesday- Leader in Me training for new teachers- video

   August 25th, 2021- Wednesday- August leadership assembly- 8:05- video

   August 25th, 2021- Wednesday- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team meeting- 3:10- video

   August 26th, 2021- Thursday- 3rd-5th standards and ISAT check in- 3:10- library

Next week:

   August 30th, 2021- District collaboration for all grades/content areas- 2:15/2:30

   August 31st, 2021- Kindergarten hearing and vision screening

   September 1st, 2021- Grade level teaming- plus ESL, Resource, and Title 1

   September 3rd, 2021- New certified staff check in- 7:35- room 14

   September 3rd, 2021- Early release for 1st-5th at 12:45, no school for kinders

   September 5th and 6th, 2021- No school for all students- Labor day and Data Day. 

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements- video:

   Johns- Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind

            Next week: Suto- Habit 3- Put first things first

The first week of school was rough. I really appreciate our staff. I saw people checking on students, taking care of messes, assisting with recess, covering classrooms with no subs, creating lesson plans and home learning packets as soon as they heard we needed those due to people quarantining, bananas offered for backpacks home, checking on new staff, leading lessons and groups at the last minute due to situations, and more. There is so much to be grateful for right now. Gratitude can completely change your day. Thought for today:


Friday August 20th, 2021

Students have been growing vegetables in the school garden. This has provided great learning experiences. They have a few vegetables to sell after school and students are really excited. 

Have a great weekend. Thought for today:


Thursday August 19th, 2021

I really appreciate all the extra hands this week, a big thank you. Covering positions of others truly helps to appreciate those people, as well as expand your experience and skills. One day closer to the weekend, your time to sharpen the saw. 

Thought for today:


Wednesday August 18th, 2021

I love this article. It fits perfectly with what our students hear daily. We expect all students to try to their very best abilities and we share often that mistakes are ok. Mistakes are learning opportunities. That is how you learn.

This article reminds about this topic, including the importance of not doing things for students that they need to learn; such as activities of daily living. There are also a few ideas of how you might respond to student struggles, instead of quickly taking care of items that students can do themselves. While this can require more time at first, it really saves you time. 


Thought for today:


Tuesday August 17th, 2021

You never forget the first day of school. It's all up hill. A big thank you to everybody for jumping in to assist wherever you saw a need. We had an awesome first day of school.

We have a K-2 standards check in after school. We'll be in the library and start about 3:15. 

A really important area to focus on right now is classroom management. Solid procedures and routines is essential. Once that is smooth, learning can occur. Observe others and ask for ideas. We have people. Here are great resources that fit perfectly:

Novice versus Experienced Teachers

Proactive Tips

11 Tips

Mindset is everything. Positive thinking, setting the bar high, and believing in every student. Thought for today:


Monday August 16th, 2021

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 16th, 2021- First day of school and dismissal at 2:00 pm

   August 17th, 2021- K-2nd standards check in- library

Next week:

   August 23rd, 2021- Fall IRI/Istation testing

   August 24th, 2021- Leader in Me training for new teachers- video

   August 25th, 2021- August leadership assembly- 8:05- video

   August 25th, 2021- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team meeting- 3:10- video

   August 26th, 2021- 3rd-5th standards and ISAT check in- library

Off we go. It's a new brand new school year. For our new staff, please ask questions and ask for help. We have a staff that loves to help each other, great synergy. 

We have masks in the office for anybody who would like one. We have paper, cloth, and N95. We also have face shields. Please be mindful of social distancing, both staff and students. Think of lunch and the work room. We don't want anybody to get sick. What we learned last year, online learning is a challenge for all students. We want to stay open all year, every school day, with in person learning. Social distancing, washing hands frequently, and considering a mask are all options that can help so we don't have a repeat of last year. It was a year we would like to forget. 

We always have new students who arrive on the bus, never having been to our school. Please help children find the front office if they look lost, so we can assist with finding their classroom. 

The daily announcements with students leaders will continue to be via video this year. I shared the link with those I thought needed it. If you did not receive the link and would like it, please email me. We start today at 8:05. 

One of my favorite activities is reading in classrooms. I get to read and visit with every student. Teachers get to have a break. Win win.  Here is the schedule:

Book Reading in Classrooms

Please be patient with lunch. Everybody will be fed. Wait for somebody to come get classrooms. We are spreading out students like last year and practicing procedures. 

Please remind students to drink water. We still have very warm weather. Every child has a water bottle in their classroom. 

If you aren't sure how a student gets home, please check with the office. If any students need school supplies or a backpack, we can also help with that. 

Ask questions, spread kindness, remember to laugh, and have a great school year. Thought for today: