Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 7th, 2020- Monday- No School- Labor Day
September 8th 2020- Tuesday- No School- Data Day- via video
September 9th, 2020- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books/Readers of the Month
- Just students/No families
September 9th, 2020- Wednesday- Staff Meeting- 3:10- via video
September 11th, 2020- Friday- Friday Fun- Class Colors
September 11th, 2020- Friday- Student leaders selling airheads for .50 cents each
Next week:
September 14th- Fall Picture Day
September 14th- Student Lighthouse applications due
September 16th- Staff Lighthouse- Finalize school wide Title 1 plan
September 17th- Constitution Day
Habit of the week/classroom leading morning announcements:
Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first
Next Week: Lancaster- Habit 4: Think Win Win
I really appreciate our staff. Everybody has been wearing a face covering, keeping noses covered, practicing procedures often with students, providing encouragement for students as their persevere through the school day, and more. It really makes going to work for all of us so pleasant, when we have a staff that cares. I have seen so many kind acts from staff and students. Thank you.
As we start the new week, you will notice that both Data Day and our staff meeting are via video. That will be common this year. If I can't guarantee that you get to sit in a six foot buffer, the meeting will be via video. We can accomplish the same end goals just fine. It doesn't make sense to squish people into a space if we can't guarantee that everybody gets a six foot buffer around them.
Everybody is invited to the staff meeting. It is the annual meeting about federal programs. I can't imagine not having federal funds at Harrison. From the preschool, ERC, Title 1, support for second language students, and more. All of our students benefit from federal funds and we have seen the power of those funds, huge benefits.
This article is long and has a lot of Scientific information. The main point: We all need to surround ourselves with people that are positive, who provide sunlight, and who are high quality relationships. That will greatly assist us through this crazy time right now. If you scroll down, there are a few tips:
Thought for the day: