

Tuesday September 1st, 2020

We have kindergarten hearing screenings today. Thank you for helping to keep their hallway area quiet.

We have a check in meeting for Title 1 and Literacy paras at 10:00, in the library. 

I love this picture. Everybody has an important part. Whether your grade level team, a classroom of students, the kitchen, paras you work with, everybody has an important part and something to contribute. Synergy, inclusion, recognizing a strength in every human- Thought for today:


Monday August 31st, 2020

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 31st, 2020- Monday- Eval team

   August 31st, 2020- Monday- District collaboration via video- after school

   September 1st, 2020- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday, or wear a bow

   September 1st, 2020- Tuesday- Kindergarten hearing screening

   September 1st, 2020- Tuesday- Title 1 para check in with Melissa- 10:00-10:30 am- library

   September 2nd, 2020- Wednesday- Grade level teaming with ESL and Resource- library

   September 4th, 2020- Friday- New certified staff check in- 7:40 am- library

   September 4th, 2020- Friday- No kinders and Early dismissal for 1st-5th at 12:45 pm

Next week:

   September 7th- No school- Labor Day

   September 8th- No school- Data Day

   September 9th- Breakfast with Books/Readers of the Month- Just students/No families

   September 11th- Friday Fun- Class colors and air head candies for .50 cents each


Habit of the week/classroom leading morning announcements:

   Suto- Habit 3: Put first things first

Next Week: Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first

The new Educational Leadership magazine is all about grading, particularly grading with remote learning. While there are feelings of concern, there are also exciting opportunities to use best practices that are better than old practices that were just routine. Here are a few take aways for reflection:

We were so appreciative of nicer weather that appeared by the end of the week. Pictures this week include PE outside and recess pictures. Students have been trying really hard to play safe games at recess and to spread out.

Pictures also include our first monthly leadership assembly of the new school year. Our older students on the student lighthouse team had no problem making a plan and leading a fantastic welcome back via video.

Pictures also include online learning with chromebooks. Students and staff have been working really hard to learn the tools for online learning. Super proud! 

We always celebrate the little things at Harrison. We received a new water bottle filling station and it was like Christmas. 

The pictures would be great to share with students. You can click on the pictures to view them in a larger size:

Thought for today:


Friday August 28th, 2020

We made it to Friday. We start the day with our first leadership assembly of the school year. Student lighthouse members are super excited to lead. This will be via video. 

Enjoy your weekend. Take time for yourself. Spend time doing activities you enjoy. Thought for today:


Thursday August 27th, 2020

We have a staff lighthouse meeting after school in the library.

I love this article. We get the great opportunity to work with diverse families. With that, how we communicate is important. It is no surprise that in education there are many words that can be challenging to understand. This not only relates to our families whose first language is not English, but all students:

And then there is remote learning. I appreciate all the hard work everybody is doing to ensure students are ready for online learning. Here are a few articles. You can read those that most interest you:

Thought for today:


Wednesday August 26th, 2020

We have a para training for Title 1, resource k-5, and ESL this morning. They will be in the library and they will be learning about literacy, reading, and writing topics. 

We have a staff meeting after school. This will be via video and the goal is to be ready to start at 3:15.

Let's have a goal to start morning announcements, via video, by 8:08. I know we can do this. 

Thought for today:


Tuesday August 25th, 2020

Just as in the spring, video meetings will be a possibility this school year. Everybody has been great about getting students comfortable with tech tools. We want to take advantage of having students in person with us. That could change at any time, as well as students that may need to quarantine at home. We want all of our students comfortable and prepared for online learning. 

This link has several tips and random thoughts that remind about professionalism with video meetings. Some thoughts also fit well with preparing students, the same expectations:

Video Meeting Tips

We need this thought. It can be hard right now to see positives. Thought for today:


Monday August 24th, 2020

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 24th, 2020- Eval team

   August 24th, 2020- IRI/Istation testing for K-3rd

   August 25th, 2020- Istation testing for 4th and 5th

   August 26th, 2020- Staff meeting- 3:15 in the lunchroom- bring your teacher chair

   August 27th, 2020- Staff Lighthouse- 3:15 in the library- spread out

   August 28th, 2020- August leadership assembly- 8:05 via video

Next week:

- September 1st- Kindergarten hearing screening

- September 1st- Tie Tuesday, or wear a hair bow/bow tie

- September 2nd- Grade level teaming with resource/ESL

- September 4th- New certified staff check in- 7:35 am in room 17

- September 4th- Early dismissal at 12:45 for 1st-5th, and no school for kinders

Please make sure families know that today is Monday and we have an early release every Monday at 2:00 pm. 

We had a great first two days of school. We're already seeing the gaps we knew we would see. It can feel overwhelming to cover the academics when you are trying to clean, keep kids spread apart, reminding kids to cover their noses with their mask, and practice all the procedures and routines. If nothing else, our kids will learn patience, empathy, kindness, and flexibility because of you. Those are important items that are more important than anything else. Those are skills that apply to any career, all families, all responsibilities. 

We have our first pictures to share. These are great to share with students and families. You can click on the pictures and display them in a larger size.

A big thank you to Mr. Nava. We have social distancing dots and lines all over our campus, from the bathrooms, to recess, the front entrance, preschool, lunchroom, and other areas. If you see an area we haven't thought of, please let us know. Please continue to remind and practice social distancing with students. Please continue to remind students to cover their noses with their mask. You can show them how you have your nose covered. We've opened school and we'd like to stay open.

We have pictures of learning, applying for leadership roles, recess with friends, and learning routines and procedures:

We talk about goals with our students often. We talk about sharpen the saw often. We talk about our self care often. We talk about doing what makes you happy often. This thought is perfect. This school year is unlike any other. Put yourself first. Thought for today:


Thursday August 20th, 2020

We had a wonderful first day of school. A big thank you to our awesome staff. Synergy was everywhere. I really appreciate all the extras that were given. 

Please help remind students to be drinking water. They all have a water bottle and should be encouraged to drink water. 

Thought for today:


Wednesday August 19th, 2020

And just like that, we are starting the first day of school. It is definitely a school year we will not forget. You may be the first person students and families see in the morning. You might be the mid morning person that assists a student with a positive check in. Your smile and positive greeting will be remembered. We might have masks on, but smiles will still be noticed. We have a mix of emotions today. There might be a few tears. Thank you for ensuring that every student and family member knows we are excited to see them and eager to assist. 

Thought for today:


Tuesday August 18th, 2020

Our playground paras start back today. We will have a check in meeting at 9 am. 

As we are striving to maintain social distancing, potential quarantining this year, possibly teaching remotely- you may miss the sounds of a workplace. It's different not being around colleagues. This link has sounds for common office items. You can slide the bar right or left depending on how much you want to hear that particular sound:

This short article is a great reminder about why we strive to use the word 'families' instead of 'parents' at Harrison. It is inclusive of all students and the homes that they live in. We have students who live in a variety of home situations. The language we use with communication is important. We know that students have multiple people who support them, both with school progress and their individual needs. There are also a few ideas included in the article for increasing family involvement:  

Thought for today:


Monday August 17th, 2020

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 18th, 2020- Playground Paras and Security Aide check in with Melissa- 9 am in library

   August 19th, 2020- First day of school

Next week:

   August 24th, 2020- IRI testing K-3rd

   August 26th, 2020- Staff meeting, 3:10 pm

   August 27th, 2020- Staff Lighthouse, 3:10 pm

   August 28th, 2020- Leadership Assembly, 8:05 am via video

We work with students and families that represent marginalized voices, some come from cultures different from our own, speak languages that are different, or live in home situations that are not the traditional family structure. We also have many students who receive special education services. What I love about Harrison is that we welcome and include everybody. Thank you for always ensuring that every student, staff member, and family feels included. Thought for today:


Friday August 14th, 2020

We had a great Open House on Thursday. I saw several smiles even with the masks.

Here is our schedule for today:

- Resource paras, Preschool paras, and ERC paras- Check in with Melissa- lunchroom 9 am

-  Open House- 4:30- 6:00 pm

Have a great weekend:


Thursday August 13th, 2020

You can feel it in the air. School is starting soon. We have the first day of Open House today. A big thank you to everybody as we prepare to re-open. Please ask questions, ask for help, practice routines and procedures with colleagues, and keep smiling. 

Here is the schedule for today:

- Classified staff at Roper for Covid training- 8:30 am- 12 pm- no live streaming

- Team Photos and Badge Pictures- 1 pm- 2:30 pm- lunchroom and room 14. 

- Title 1 and ESL paras- check in with Melissa- 2 pm- 3 pm - library

- Open House- 4:30 pm - 6 pm- Families have been contacted and it is by last name and small groups

Thought for today:


Wednesday August 12th, 2020

Wednesday is an exciting day. Most of our classified staff will be back in the school building. It's like one big family reunion. Please remember to wear a mask and maintain distance. It can be hard to spread out when you want to visit with all your friends. It's a great opportunity for us to experience what our kids will feel when they start back. 

We start the day with the school district opening day event. We will have live streaming at Harrison. We have more classified and support staff than certified staff. We will need to have two viewing locations, the library and the lunchroom:

 August 12th, 2020- 8:00-12:00 pm: Opening Day at Roper

      Live streaming in the lunchroom and library. 

      Find a comfy teacher chair and spread out.

We then will have our staff retreat for certified staff. Classified staff are welcome to join. If you are not certified staff and would like to attend, please let me know so I can make sure we are in a space that allows for all of us to spread out. We may need to use the gym:

August 12th, 2020- 1:00-4:00 pm: Building Staff Retreat- Classified are welcome to join.

Life would be boring if we didn't have change to throw us off kilter. Enjoy the unpredictable and unknowns this year. As we often remind our kids, you choose your own weather. Thought for today:



Monday August 10th, 2020

A big welcome back to all of our staff. A big welcome to our new staff as well. Please reach out if you have questions or if you need assistance with anything. We have a great staff that loves to help.

We thought last spring was exciting and an adventure never to forget. Just wait. This school year is definitely going to be a school year you won't forget. Remember the heart of everything we do, the students. We have children who are super excited to see you. 

The goal this year is to do everything we possibly can to keep each other, and kids, safe and healthy. 

Please remember to wear a mask, especially in hallways and the workroom. Wearing a mask is a normal part of our daily routine this year. All of our pop up canopies are by the front office. Feel free to borrow one during the lunch hour. You can put one up on the front lawn and enjoy a nice lunch outside. Please let the office know if you see soap dispensers, disinfectant, or soap sanitizer that needs to be refilled. Please use your voice, respectfully, to let someone know if you would like more space. Maintaining social distance is hard and sometimes we don't realize how close we are to another person. I have red markings on the floor by the front office and my office to help with those areas.

I love this article. The target audience is preschool teachers, but we can all relate. We went home in March and never went back to the classroom. We definitely learned a lot about remote learning. My favorite google meets were with preschool and kindergarten students. A key piece was the interactive aspect. Students had songs to sing, items to find in their home for different letters of the alphabet, and more. There are great ideas here for all students:

              Learning at Home Tips

This article is perfect as well. The target audience is students who have an IEP. Ideas would be helpful for all students:

              Learning at Home for Students with an IEP

As we start the week, we have really important meetings planned. Some meetings have a live streaming option at Harrison, but not all. Please check the weekly schedule below carefully to know if live streaming is available. 

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 10th, 2020- 8:00-11:00 AM: All certified staff safety and reopening information.

      Live streaming in the lunchroom. 

      Roll your comfy teacher chair into the lunchroom and spread out. 

   August 10th, 2020- 12:30-3:30 PM- Most Certified staff at Harrison and Special Ed staff at Lincoln. 

      Just roll your comfy teacher chair into the lunchroom and spread out.

   August 11th, 2020- 8:00-11 am and 12:30-3:30 pm

      Google Classroom, Curriculum, and SEL training for most certified staff.

      PE, Music, and Special Ed: Check the schedule for specific trainings. 

   August 11th, 2020- Para Training at Roper, 8:00- 3:00 pm

   August 12th, 2020- 8:00-12:00 pm: Opening Day at Roper

      Live streaming in the lunchroom. 

      Roll your comfy teacher chair into the lunchroom and spread out.

   August 12th, 2020- 1:00-4:00 pm: Building Staff Retreat- Classified are welcome to join.

   August 13th, 2020- 8:30 am-12:00 pm- Classified staff safety and reopening information at Roper

   August 13th, 2020- Staff badge pictures, 1:00-2:30 pm in the lunchroom

      Team Photos with Mrs. Sorensen

   August 13th, 2020- Title 1 and ESL para check in with Melissa, 2:00-3:00 pm

       Roll your favorite chair into the lunchroom and spread out.

   August 13th, 2020- Open House 4:30-6:00 pm

   August 14th, 2020- Resource, Preschool, and ERC para check in with Melissa, 9:00-10:30 am

       Roll your favorite chair into the lunchroom and spread out.

   August 14th, 2020- Open House 4:30-6:00 pm

   August 18th, 2020- Playground paras and security aide check in with Melissa, 9:00-10:00 am

      Roll your favorite chair into the lunchroom and spread out.

   August 19th, 2020- First day of school

Remember gratitude. Thought for today: