

Monday October 1st, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   October 1st, 2018- Monday- Eval team

   October 1st, 2018- Monday- Grade level teaming for 1st- 5th, with ESL and Resource

   October 2nd, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   October 2nd, 2018- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday (or a scarf or bow)

   October 2nd, 2018- Tuesday- Leader in Me new staff training- Canyon Ridge

   October 2nd, 2018- Tuesday- Spring play tryouts for K-2: 3:15-4:00 pm

   October 3rd, 2018- Wednesday- Leader in Me new staff training- Canyon Ridge

   October 3rd, 2018- Wednesday- Spring play tryouts for 3-5: 3:15-4:00 pm

   October 3rd, 2018- Wednesday- Building leadership team/staff lighthouse- room 10, 3:10 pm

   October 3rd, 2018- Wednesday- Scratch for Schools (Mari, Donna, Christie)

   October 4th, 2018- Thursday- Student lighthouse interviews

   October 4th, 2018- Thursday- National Taco Day- social committee/fun committee

   October 5th, 2018- Friday- Student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each

   October 5th, 2018- Friday fun- Mismatched everything

   October 5th, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten teaming, with ESL and resource

   October 5th, 2018- Friday- Student lighthouse interviews

next week:

   October 10th, 2018- Wednesday- Walk to school day, Breakfast with Books,
        readers of the month, 1st grade to the pumpkin patch, staff meeting, and staff can wear jeans

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Spencer- Habit 6: Synergize

Next week: Wilkins- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

The pictures from this last week include our school mascot. A big thank you to Mrs. Turpin for this fun addition to our school, and to Mr. Terrell for being a good sport. Students loved the mascot. Pictures also include our girls activity with their favorite guy, yummy chapati bread, and singing with teddy bears in kindergarten:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday September 28th, 2018

A big thank you to everybody who assisted with the girls activity Thursday evening. It was such a fun event with happy dads, grandpas, and uncles.

Please help remind students have the Spring play tryouts next week.

Have a great Friday:


Thursday September 27th, 2018

The big activity today is the girls activity with their favorite guy, from 5:45-6:45 pm. The weather is cooperating nicely for this outside event.

This is a nice video from the training I was at on Wednesday. Even though it references high school, the reminders about increasing speaking opportunities and active engagement apply to all students. The first video that plays for project based learning:

English Language Learner Support

Thought for today:


Wednesday September 26th, 2018

The September leadership assembly is first thing this morning.

We have a staff meeting after school today, in the library.

Please help remind students and families about the girls activity Thursday.

Your mindset can determine your day. Thought for today:


Tuesday September 25th, 2018

Today is Fall picture day.

You can feel Fall in the air, especially when the wind blows. Please help remind students to take their coat everywhere with them. It's a grab and go, take it with you, don't waste time putting it on. This includes recesses, lunch, interventions, and specials. It is especially cold in the morning. If we have an evacuation, like a fire drill or lock down, students could be outside for a while.

We have a family note going home this week. The back page will have our updated Family Involvement policy. The office will make copies:

Family Note

Everybody, staff and student, has a starting place. Everybody is growing. Thought for today:


Monday September 24th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 24th, 2018- Monday- Eval team

   September 25th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   September 25th, 2018- Tuesday- Fall Picture Day

   September 26th, 20180 Wednesday- District 2nd Year Teachers- Training day

   September 26th, 2018- Wednesday- September Leadership Assembly

   September 26th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   September 27th, 2018- Thursday- Girls Activity- 5:45-6:45 pm- outside-
                                                      Rosie Revere the Engineer, and Your Favorite Guy

   September 28th, 2018- Friday- September student leaders of the month Principal's lunch

next week:

   October 2nd and 3rd, 2018- Tuesday and Wednesday- Spring Play try-outs

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Pauley- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Next week: Spencer- Habit 6: Synergize

Staff Meeting Agenda:
* Ms. Schroeder will be sharing a writing idea.
* Ms. Blair and Ms. Schroeder will be reviewing Thinking Maps. Feel free to bring samples and the binder for your grade level.

Just a few pictures this week. We have a picture from the monthly parent/family class, writers in kindergarten, and cooking with Science in preschool:

Pictures This Week

I love this article. It relates to what we see everyday in our classrooms, at risk behaviors that are heart breaking. We have many students who go home to really sad situations. We have students who view things they shouldn't see, like domestic violence and addictions within the home. We get to provide a positive experience everyday for kids. You matter. And like the article mentions, we often don't get back books or other items we give students to borrow. It doesn't matter. Ensuring students know that there are so many people that care about them and are advocating on their behalf everyday is what matters:

When a Student Picks up a Book

From the same current issue of Teaching Tolerance, a nice positive quote. Everybody, every staff member and every student has value:


Thought for the day:


Friday September 21st, 2018

We have the hearing and vision screening today for 1st, 3rd, and 5th. Please help keep hallways quiet around the rooms being used for screenings. Please also thank our parent/guardian volunteers.

We have a yummy staff potluck today. We'll have food ready by 10:30 and end around 12:15 so all of our staff and volunteers can join. The food will be in room 5. Please help share this information with any volunteers and guests in the building today.

Have a great Friday. Thought for today:


Thursday September 20th, 2018

Hard to believe, but we are already planning for Fall student led conferences. For students, they have been preparing since August with their leadership notebooks. Every student has goals they are working towards, every student. Sometimes students struggle to identify how they are leaders, so we get the great opportunity to help them see the leader in themselves. This is a nice article that reminds about how every person has leadership qualities:

Is Leadership A Luxury?

Thought for today:


Wednesday September 19th, 2018

We have our building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting after school today in room 10.

Every classroom has a wide variety of unique personalities, just like a school staff. We want everybody to feel valued and included. This is a nice article that has strategies for those that are more quiet, introverts. There are ideas for how to express traits, as a strength instead of a negative. An inclusive classroom:

6 Strategies to Help Introverts Thrive at School

Thought for today:


Tuesday September 18th, 2018

We had a great turn out for our family/parent class Monday night. A big thank you to those who helped plan and assist with the evening. It was a great activity.

We have grade level teaming for 1st-5th grade today.

We have our monthly building leadership team/staff lighthouse meeting Wednesday after school. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda. Everybody is welcome to attend. There is always room at the table for one more chair.

Taking the leap and trying something new, reaching out for help when you think it's a crazy question, or even really crossing the ocean. Thought for today:


Monday September 17th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 17th, 2018- Monday- Eval team

   September 17th, 2018- Monday- Constitution Day

   September 17th, 2018- Monday- Leader in Me Parent/Family Night Class- 6:00-7:00 pm in library

   September 18th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   September 18th, 2018- Tuesday- Grade level teaming 1st-5th grade

   September 19th, 20180 Wednesday- Girls activity check in- 7:30 am- room 17

   September 19th, 2018- Wednesday- Title 1 para check in- 9:40 am- room D

   September 19th, 2018- Wednesday- Building leadership team/staff lighthouse- 3:10, room 10

   September 20th, 2018- Thursday- Weekly Garden Team meeting- 7:30 am- room 17

   September 21st, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten teaming

   September 21st, 2018- Friday- Hearing and Vision screenings for 1st, 3rd, and 5th

   September 21st, 2018- Friday- Staff potluck for September staff birthdays- room 5

next week:

   September 25th, 2018- Tuesday- Fall Picture Day

   September 27th, 2018- Thursday- Girls Activity with their favorite guy:
                                           Rosie Revere, the Engineer- 5:45-6:45 pm- outside

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Jolovich- Habit 4: Think win win

Next week: Pauley- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

This post summarizes everything we strive to reach towards at Harrison. Several great points to remember:

Educating the Whole Child

The pictures from this last week are great examples of how every child has a support system. Behind every student success story is somebody advocating for them, especially our staff members. We have high school students from Canyon Ridge who are pen pals with our students, generous and kind donations so students have a free book to take home every month, a very successful Breakfast with Books, a student leader assisting a new student with a leadership role, classroom partners, and a teacher assisting students with their learning of English:

Pictures This Week

Great though to start the week:


Friday September 14th, 2018

Student lighthouse applications are due today.

Student leaders will be selling scented pencils today and it's Friday fun with class colors.

Have a great weekend:


Thursday September 13th, 2018

A big thank you to those that assisted with Breakfast With Books on Wednesday, encouraged students and families to attend, or even sat and read books with students. It was one of our best breakfasts for adult attendance.

Please help remind students about Friday fun class colors and the scented pencils that student leaders will be selling on Friday.

We are starting a monthly parent/family class. A big thank you to the staff members that had a vision and ran with their ideas. They have fun activities planned. The monthly classes will be focused on learning about Leader in Me, assisting families with developing skills that will benefit their children and the entire family, assist with learning skills to help their child with school, and we are hoping the monthly classes will also help increase family involvement at school. The September class will be Monday the 17th from 6-7 pm. Please help remind students and families. We've ordered these books for all of the families that attend:

Leader in Me

Thought for today:


Wednesday September 12th, 2018

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

This is a great article that reminds about the importance to get books into the hands of all students, starting in preschool, or even reading online text. We've had several classroom donations the past couple of weeks that have been very kind. Donations will allow all students to receive a monthly book from the monthly book orders. A big thank you also to our librarian Mrs. Barron who helps to ensure that all students get to check out library books, even when children don't return books when situations are out of their circle of control.

Thank you for getting books into the hands of all of students. I can't imagine not having books, or online items to read. I can remember riding the public bus often growing up, as I hauled stacks of books home from the public libraries. My dad always said I could check out as many books as I wanted, as long as I could carry them all home. Reading and being literate can change everything, including a child's future:

The Key to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's Successful Journey? Books

Thought for today:


Tuesday September 11th, 2018

We have a family note going home this week. The first page has upcoming dates for school activities and events. The second page has important notes for families. The office will make copies for you:

Family Note

What a great opportunity to be in the business of change. We get to assist students with becoming a person that is a leader in their home, a future community leader wherever they choose to live, a leader leading with a business where ever they will be employed, a great person. Here is a great thought for today:


Monday September 10th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 10th, 2018- Monday- Eval team

   September 11th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   September 11th, 2018- Tuesday- Choir starts- 7:15 am

   September 12th, 2018- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month- 7:30 am

   September 12th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff Meeting- Federal Programs

   September 14th, 2018- Friday- Student Lighthouse applications due

   September 14th, 2018- Friday- Friday Fun: Class colors

   September 14th, 2018- Friday- Student leaders selling fruit scented pencils for .50 cents each

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first

Next week: Jolovich- Habit 4: Think win win

Pictures this week include the weekly Art and Leadership activity, PE, learning leadership skills, Istation with Kindergarten and chromebooks, and two awesome young ladies giving a school tour:

Pictures This Week

This first article mentions middle school, but the tips mentioned could be helpful in any classroom. Classroom management is always something we are learning and refining with students:

Six Tenets to Successful Classroom Management

An inclusive classroom is very important at Harrison. We want every student to feel valued and respected:

3 Big Misconceptions About Inclusion

This last article talks about social-emotional learning. There is no perfect student and there is no perfect classroom. There is always a learning opportunity from every experience. Thank you for integrating social-emotional learning throughout the day:

SEL: AKA Preparation for Life

This is a great thought for the day:


Friday September 7th, 2018

Your first year as a teacher is a year you never forget. Your first year as a teacher in a new school district, even with experience under your belt, is a year you never forget. As we often say at Harrison, even with our kids, it's a starting place and it's all up hill. The end in the Spring is always awesome.

We start today with a check in breakfast with all of our first year certified staff, both brand new and new to our school district. We'll be in room 18 starting at 7:30.

Gratitude can change your entire day. Enjoy the weekend:


Thursday September 6th, 2018

Please help remind students and families about choir starting next week. All students 1st-5th are invited to attend. Practices will be before school this year. This is always a great opportunity for students.

This is a nice overview of a leadership classroom:

Leadership Classroom Best Practices

Thought for today: