This is a great post reminding about the importance for every student to feel recognized and valued, starting at the door when students enter the school:
Four at the Door
Thought for today:
Wednesday February 28th, 2018
We have a staff meeting after school today in the library.
Fifth grade will be attending the Robert Stuart play at Canyon Ridge this morning.
Please help remind students and families about Friday fun, dressing like a super hero, and the Dr. Seuss eraser sale with student leaders on Friday. Students can dress like a Math super hero, a super hero of Kindness, any super hero.
This resource was shared with certified staff a few weeks ago. As we get ready for Spring conferences, this is a great resource to share with families. All students need is their library card from the public library, and they have access to a great free tool for tutoring help:
We have our monthly lunch with February student leaders today. The safety inspection started on Tuesday just as lunch was starting. As we walked around, there was the Kindergarten leader of the month asking if it was her day for lunch. Not yet, tomorrow is your day.
Then at the end of the after school program, she asked if there was one more come again day for her lunch. Yes, one more come again day. I told her tomorrow was her lunch with the other student leaders of the month. That young lady has worked so hard to make good choices and turn around her behavior. She has worked so hard with her learning, and she loves to help other students and her teacher. That is why we recognize our students as often as possible for all the great things that they do. There is going to be one very lucky first grade teacher next year who gets to have this young lady from Kindergarten.
This is a great thought for today. It is a great reminder to share with students. Every student has potential:
Fifth grade will be attending the Robert Stuart play at Canyon Ridge this morning.
Please help remind students and families about Friday fun, dressing like a super hero, and the Dr. Seuss eraser sale with student leaders on Friday. Students can dress like a Math super hero, a super hero of Kindness, any super hero.
This resource was shared with certified staff a few weeks ago. As we get ready for Spring conferences, this is a great resource to share with families. All students need is their library card from the public library, and they have access to a great free tool for tutoring help:
We have our monthly lunch with February student leaders today. The safety inspection started on Tuesday just as lunch was starting. As we walked around, there was the Kindergarten leader of the month asking if it was her day for lunch. Not yet, tomorrow is your day.
Then at the end of the after school program, she asked if there was one more come again day for her lunch. Yes, one more come again day. I told her tomorrow was her lunch with the other student leaders of the month. That young lady has worked so hard to make good choices and turn around her behavior. She has worked so hard with her learning, and she loves to help other students and her teacher. That is why we recognize our students as often as possible for all the great things that they do. There is going to be one very lucky first grade teacher next year who gets to have this young lady from Kindergarten.
This is a great thought for today. It is a great reminder to share with students. Every student has potential:
Tuesday February 27th, 2018
We have a full day of important activities. A big thank you to everybody for leading and assisting:
1. Intervention meeting- before school
2. Garden meeting- before school
3. Leadership assembly and family of the month- 8:05 in the gym
4. Grade level teaming for 1st-5th
5. Breakfast, second chance breakfast, Lunch, and snack audit
6. Baby shower for Mrs. Sharp- 3:10 in the library
Thought for today:
1. Intervention meeting- before school
2. Garden meeting- before school
3. Leadership assembly and family of the month- 8:05 in the gym
4. Grade level teaming for 1st-5th
5. Breakfast, second chance breakfast, Lunch, and snack audit
6. Baby shower for Mrs. Sharp- 3:10 in the library
Thought for today:
Monday February 26th, 2018
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 26th, 2018- Monday- Eval Team
February 26th, 2018- Monday- Staff lighthouse team video conference for LIM- 3:10, rm #10
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Leadership assembly- 8:05 am
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Food Audit in lunchroom during meals-
Access, Participation, Eligibility, and Certification Study
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Grade level teaming for 1st-5th
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Baby shower for Mrs. Sharp
February 28th, 2018- Wednesday- Fifth grade to CR, for RS play- 10 am
February 28th, 2018- Wednesday- Principal's lunch with February student leaders
February 28th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten grade level teaming
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Fourth grade to Bickel for Wagons Ho activity- all day
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Friday fun- Dress like a super hero
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Student leaders selling Dr. Seuss erasers for .50 cents each
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Lancaster- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs.
next week: Johns- Habit 1: Be proactive
The staff meeting this week is a great opportunity for colleagues to share:
1. Fifth grade- performance tasks, writing, and RAFT
2. Mrs. Pauley- Milepost update and check in
3. Mrs. Thomason- tips from the recent Milepost training that she attended
Pictures from this last week include great enrichment learning for our students. We had Birds of Prey, RS choir singing, collaborative learning with classroom buddies, and STEAM integrated with learning:
Pictures This Week
This is a great reminder as we start a new week:
February 26th, 2018- Monday- Eval Team
February 26th, 2018- Monday- Staff lighthouse team video conference for LIM- 3:10, rm #10
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Leadership assembly- 8:05 am
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Food Audit in lunchroom during meals-
Access, Participation, Eligibility, and Certification Study
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Grade level teaming for 1st-5th
February 27th, 2018- Tuesday- Baby shower for Mrs. Sharp
February 28th, 2018- Wednesday- Fifth grade to CR, for RS play- 10 am
February 28th, 2018- Wednesday- Principal's lunch with February student leaders
February 28th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten grade level teaming
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Fourth grade to Bickel for Wagons Ho activity- all day
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Friday fun- Dress like a super hero
March 2nd, 2018- Friday- Student leaders selling Dr. Seuss erasers for .50 cents each
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Lancaster- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs.
next week: Johns- Habit 1: Be proactive
The staff meeting this week is a great opportunity for colleagues to share:
1. Fifth grade- performance tasks, writing, and RAFT
2. Mrs. Pauley- Milepost update and check in
3. Mrs. Thomason- tips from the recent Milepost training that she attended
Pictures from this last week include great enrichment learning for our students. We had Birds of Prey, RS choir singing, collaborative learning with classroom buddies, and STEAM integrated with learning:
Pictures This Week
This is a great reminder as we start a new week:
Friday February 23rd, 2018
It's hard to imagine not having collaboration at school. There is so much growth and learning that occurs because of collaboration. Even if something doesn't work or end how it had been hoped, there is learning and a group of people to share the experience with:
7 Habits of Highly Collaborative Educators
Have a great Friday:
7 Habits of Highly Collaborative Educators
Have a great Friday:
Thursday February 22nd, 2018
We have Spring pictures today, and it is in the gym.
We have the choir from Robert Stuart visiting at 10 am, and it will be in the music room. This is to expose fifth grade students to an activity they could participate in when they get to middle school.
This is such a great thought for the day:
We have the choir from Robert Stuart visiting at 10 am, and it will be in the music room. This is to expose fifth grade students to an activity they could participate in when they get to middle school.
This is such a great thought for the day:
Wednesday February 21st, 2018
Please help remind students and families about Spring picture day tomorrow.
First grade has their Birds of Prey presentation at 2:00 in the gym today. Thank you to everybody who helped move things around, like block classes, so they could use the gym.
We have a building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting today after school. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda.
This is a great video from Mrs. Schroeder. It illustrates the importance of grit and high expectations, while also being kind:
Austin's Butterfly
Students really do hear what we say. Thought for today:
First grade has their Birds of Prey presentation at 2:00 in the gym today. Thank you to everybody who helped move things around, like block classes, so they could use the gym.
We have a building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting today after school. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda.
This is a great video from Mrs. Schroeder. It illustrates the importance of grit and high expectations, while also being kind:
Austin's Butterfly
Students really do hear what we say. Thought for today:
Monday February 19th, 2018
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 19th and 20th, 2018- Monday and Tuesday- No School
February 21st, 2018- Wednesday- First grade Birds of Prey presentation- 2:00 pm in gym
February 21st, 2018- Wednesday- Building leadership/staff lighthouse team- 3:10 rm. #10
February 22nd, 2018- Thursday- Spring picture day- gym
February 22nd, 2018- Thursday- Robert Stuart middle school choir performing for 5th grade-
10 am in the music room
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Rodriguez- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
next week: Lancaster- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs
We have phone, email, and text reminders going out this week to help remind about picture day and no school days this week.
This video clip is a great reminder of self care and working as a team. A big thank you to everybody who just jumps in to help give both students and staff a time out to breath:
Self Care
These videos are a great overview of strategies that matches skills we are trying with our students. We have to teach and practice behavior expectations, just like we teach academics. Just impressive to watch our students change and have a calm conversation in the midst of conflict and struggles, growth. Addressing social-emotional needs is important. We have to have that before we can address academics. Empathy and empowering students to own their behavior are included as well in these videos:
De-Escalation, Safe Spaces, and Conflict Resolution
Restorative Circles and Restorative Practices
School Culture, Community, and Learning
Pictures from this last week include our readers of the month, leadership roles, and Valentines Day. Please continue to talk with students about bus behavior. It was a great idea to thank our bus drivers:
Pictures This Week
Every child:
February 19th and 20th, 2018- Monday and Tuesday- No School
February 21st, 2018- Wednesday- First grade Birds of Prey presentation- 2:00 pm in gym
February 21st, 2018- Wednesday- Building leadership/staff lighthouse team- 3:10 rm. #10
February 22nd, 2018- Thursday- Spring picture day- gym
February 22nd, 2018- Thursday- Robert Stuart middle school choir performing for 5th grade-
10 am in the music room
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Rodriguez- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
next week: Lancaster- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs
We have phone, email, and text reminders going out this week to help remind about picture day and no school days this week.
This video clip is a great reminder of self care and working as a team. A big thank you to everybody who just jumps in to help give both students and staff a time out to breath:
Self Care
These videos are a great overview of strategies that matches skills we are trying with our students. We have to teach and practice behavior expectations, just like we teach academics. Just impressive to watch our students change and have a calm conversation in the midst of conflict and struggles, growth. Addressing social-emotional needs is important. We have to have that before we can address academics. Empathy and empowering students to own their behavior are included as well in these videos:
De-Escalation, Safe Spaces, and Conflict Resolution
Restorative Circles and Restorative Practices
School Culture, Community, and Learning
Pictures from this last week include our readers of the month, leadership roles, and Valentines Day. Please continue to talk with students about bus behavior. It was a great idea to thank our bus drivers:
Pictures This Week
Every child:
Friday February 16th, 2018
Please help remind students and families about Monday and Tuesday being no school days.
Please help remind students and families that next Thursday is Spring picture day.
This note about helping children with tragedies will be going home with every student preschool-fifth, in both English and Spanish. Our students see and hear many situations on the news and internet that can be quite upsetting and difficult to process. This note gives some tips on what to do and say:
Helping Children Cope With Tragedy
Thought for today:
Please help remind students and families that next Thursday is Spring picture day.
This note about helping children with tragedies will be going home with every student preschool-fifth, in both English and Spanish. Our students see and hear many situations on the news and internet that can be quite upsetting and difficult to process. This note gives some tips on what to do and say:
Helping Children Cope With Tragedy
Thought for today:
Thursday February 15th, 2018
A big thank you to everybody for ensuring students had great parties on Wednesday. We had happy kids going home with big bags of special treats and cards. The after school staff gets the prize for patience for sure.
Please help remind students and families about no school Monday and Tuesday.
Thought for today:
Please help remind students and families about no school Monday and Tuesday.
Thought for today:
Wednesday February 14th, 2018
Today is a fun day of learning, treats, cards, and happy kids. All the Valentine's Day parties are later in the afternoon. Thank you for holding on until then. Students were already excited on Tuesday. Kindergarten is a one stop party place all day long. Please let the office know first thing in the morning if you have a student who needs cards, or if you have a student who needs assistance addressing their cards. We can help with those items.
This is a great video about the importance of every student having at least one person they know cares about them, even the most challenging students. Some of you are already doing a similar check in and check out system, like with a previous teacher or para that a student has had. This fits well with student leadership notebooks and student goals. This school is also a Leader in Me school that integrates similar practices like we do, like trauma informed practices and morning meeting:
Check in/Check Out
Thought for today:
This is a great video about the importance of every student having at least one person they know cares about them, even the most challenging students. Some of you are already doing a similar check in and check out system, like with a previous teacher or para that a student has had. This fits well with student leadership notebooks and student goals. This school is also a Leader in Me school that integrates similar practices like we do, like trauma informed practices and morning meeting:
Check in/Check Out
Thought for today:
Tuesday February 13th, 2018
Please help remind students and families about the Breakfast with Books family activity tomorrow. That's always a fun activity. We will also be recognizing our readers of the month.
So true:
Monday February 12th, 2018
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 12th, 2018- Monday- Eval team
February 13th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 13th, 2018- Tuesday- Box Tops due
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books family event
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Readers of the Month for February
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Valentine's Day parties- PM
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp- Habit 6: Synergize
next week: Rodriguez- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
For the staff meeting on Wednesday, Ms. Hammond and Mrs. Schroeder will be leading. They will be sharing awesome highlights from the Idaho Education Technology conference that they recently attended.
This is a great video about the importance of social-emotional learning. It isn't just a five minute mini lesson. It is integrated with everything that we do, and it is the bread and butter at our school. It is a mindset. We have seen amazing changes in students, how the culture of a school and the community in a classroom can support students through struggles, circle discussions, breathing, morning meeting, and so much more. Some days can be exhausting, but we keep persevering:
Social-Emotional Learning
The first picture on the post below is such a great example of a student being kind to another student. The rest of the pictures from this last week are from our annual Leadership Day. Students did a geat job leading and finding their voice. You can click on the pictures to see them in a larger size, and these would be great to share with students:
Pictures This Week
Thought to start off the week:
February 12th, 2018- Monday- Eval team
February 13th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 13th, 2018- Tuesday- Box Tops due
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books family event
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Readers of the Month for February
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Valentine's Day parties- PM
February 14th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp- Habit 6: Synergize
next week: Rodriguez- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
For the staff meeting on Wednesday, Ms. Hammond and Mrs. Schroeder will be leading. They will be sharing awesome highlights from the Idaho Education Technology conference that they recently attended.
This is a great video about the importance of social-emotional learning. It isn't just a five minute mini lesson. It is integrated with everything that we do, and it is the bread and butter at our school. It is a mindset. We have seen amazing changes in students, how the culture of a school and the community in a classroom can support students through struggles, circle discussions, breathing, morning meeting, and so much more. Some days can be exhausting, but we keep persevering:
Social-Emotional Learning
The first picture on the post below is such a great example of a student being kind to another student. The rest of the pictures from this last week are from our annual Leadership Day. Students did a geat job leading and finding their voice. You can click on the pictures to see them in a larger size, and these would be great to share with students:
Pictures This Week
Thought to start off the week:
Friday February 9th, 2018
We have Kindergarten grade level teaming this morning.
Please help remind students and families about Breakfast with Books next Wednesday. We will also be recognizing our readers of the month.
If you see this young man in the hall, you can tell him he is famous. Such a great kid:
Enjoy the weekend:
Please help remind students and families about Breakfast with Books next Wednesday. We will also be recognizing our readers of the month.
If you see this young man in the hall, you can tell him he is famous. Such a great kid:
Enjoy the weekend:
Thursday February 8th, 2018
Today is our annual Leadership Day. It's always a great day for our kids to shine and lead. A big thank you to everybody for assisting and helping students with their different roles and tasks.
This thought for today fits perfectly with our Leadership Day. Leadership is something everybody possesses and develops:
This thought for today fits perfectly with our Leadership Day. Leadership is something everybody possesses and develops:
Wednesday February 7th, 2018
We have our building leadership team/staff lighthouse meeting after school today.
Service leaders is one of our school wide leadership roles. A big thank you to Mrs. Dickinson for leading and assisting students. You may hear those students talk about collecting toys for the church across the street, for their nursery. They wanted to say thank you for letting us use their parking lot. Just like learning and playing, service is important.
Please help remind students and families that box tops are due by next Tuesday.
Thought for today:
Service leaders is one of our school wide leadership roles. A big thank you to Mrs. Dickinson for leading and assisting students. You may hear those students talk about collecting toys for the church across the street, for their nursery. They wanted to say thank you for letting us use their parking lot. Just like learning and playing, service is important.
Please help remind students and families that box tops are due by next Tuesday.
Thought for today:
Tuesday February 6th, 2018
We have grade level teaming for 1st-5th today.
We have a building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting Wednesday after school. Let a rep know if you have anything you would like added to the agenda.
Isn't this the truth. It's so common to see such unkind comments posted online. This also reminds about the importance of digital citizenship, being a kind human regardless if online or in person. Be the change. Thought for today:
We have a building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting Wednesday after school. Let a rep know if you have anything you would like added to the agenda.
Isn't this the truth. It's so common to see such unkind comments posted online. This also reminds about the importance of digital citizenship, being a kind human regardless if online or in person. Be the change. Thought for today:
Monday February 5th, 2018
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 5th-9th. 2018- National School Counseling Week
February 5th, 2018- Monday- Eval team
February 6th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 6th, 2018- Tuesday- Grade level teaming 1st-5th- with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
February 6th, 2018- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday
February 7th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:10, room 10
February 8th, 2018- Thursday- Leadership Day 12:30-3:00
February 9th, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten teaming with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Enders- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
next week: Sharp- Habit 6: Synergize
The pictures this week include an awesome young man from our student lighthouse team addressing invitations. Thank you for finding time to let students practice leadership skills as they prepare for our annual leadership day.
Pictures also include knitting from the after school program. Who knew it would be such a popular activity. It's been hard to send students home, because they would rather sit, chat, and knit. There are also pictures of our January student leaders of the month, thank you to donations of tangible items and in kind learning, choir students singing at local care centers, and other fun learning activities:
Pictures This Week
Thought to start the week:
February 5th-9th. 2018- National School Counseling Week
February 5th, 2018- Monday- Eval team
February 6th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 6th, 2018- Tuesday- Grade level teaming 1st-5th- with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
February 6th, 2018- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday
February 7th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:10, room 10
February 8th, 2018- Thursday- Leadership Day 12:30-3:00
February 9th, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten teaming with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Enders- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
next week: Sharp- Habit 6: Synergize
The pictures this week include an awesome young man from our student lighthouse team addressing invitations. Thank you for finding time to let students practice leadership skills as they prepare for our annual leadership day.
Pictures also include knitting from the after school program. Who knew it would be such a popular activity. It's been hard to send students home, because they would rather sit, chat, and knit. There are also pictures of our January student leaders of the month, thank you to donations of tangible items and in kind learning, choir students singing at local care centers, and other fun learning activities:
Pictures This Week
Thought to start the week:
Friday February 2nd, 2018
We have Friday fun with a sports theme, and the slime sale today.
While we strive to integrate literature and characters from different cultures year round, February is the official month for Black History recognition. We need all of our students to see people in text, in print or online, that looks like them. We also need all students to be be accepting and kind towards every human being, especially as we interact with each other during the school day.
This post mentions Storyline. It is an online resource that is free and there are people reading different books, sometimes actors and actresses. More books are added every month, and the new additions for February reflect Black History Month. There are also activity guides that reflect different content areas and standards:
Celebrate Black History Month
Storyline Online
Thought for today:
While we strive to integrate literature and characters from different cultures year round, February is the official month for Black History recognition. We need all of our students to see people in text, in print or online, that looks like them. We also need all students to be be accepting and kind towards every human being, especially as we interact with each other during the school day.
This post mentions Storyline. It is an online resource that is free and there are people reading different books, sometimes actors and actresses. More books are added every month, and the new additions for February reflect Black History Month. There are also activity guides that reflect different content areas and standards:
Celebrate Black History Month
Storyline Online
Thought for today:
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