We have one last post of school pictures. Short week, but really fun learning:
Pictures This Week
Today is the last day of school. Thank you for all your hard work this year, and for all that you do to support students. Have a great summer break with your friends and family. Remember to sharpen the saw, and to email me a picture for our staff video.
Wednesday May 24th, 2017
Today is the carnival. We have kids who have told us they have never been to a carnival, and we have kids that have attended our carnival since they were in Kindergarten. The carnival is a day our kids look forward to all year, and it is during school hours at no cost. Enjoy the afternoon as much as the kids will. Everybody has earned it.
Fourth grade students visited Boise on Tuesday, and one of their stops was BSU. I love these pictures. We expect all of our students to go on to college. Running on the blue turf, and experiencing a college campus:
Fourth grade students visited Boise on Tuesday, and one of their stops was BSU. I love these pictures. We expect all of our students to go on to college. Running on the blue turf, and experiencing a college campus:
Tuesday May 23rd, 2017
Fourth grade will be in Boise today for their end of the year field trip.
With the theme of graduation:
Thought for today:
With the theme of graduation:
Thought for today:
Monday May 22nd, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Lancaster
PM Bus: Fullmer
Staff Room: Office
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 22nd, 2017- Monday- Sharpen the Paw- AM
May 22nd, 2017- Monday- All School Picnic
May 22nd, 2017- Monday- CR graduates visiting during lunch
May 23rd, 2017- Tuesday- 4th Grade Boise field trip
May 24th, 2017- Wednesday- May Principal's Lunch with May student leaders
May 24th, 2017- Wednesday- End of the year Carnival 1-3pm
May 24th, 2017- Wednesday- Last day of Kindergarten, and all students attend in the afternoon
May 25th, 2017- Thursday- Last day of school for 1st-5th and dismissal at 1:15 pm
May 26th, 2017- Friday- Staff Retreat/Data Day- PM
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Kelly- Habit 6: Synergize
It's a short week, but a week filled with fun activities. We start Monday with Sharpen the Paw and here is the list of activities:
Sharpen the Paw 4th Quarter
For the all school picnic, we will be eating outside after picking up lunch items in the lunchroom.
The pictures from this past week including fourth grade making bread in a bag with our kitchen staff, students making benches, monthly student leaders, and the Spring Play:
Pictures This Week
Have a great last week of school:
AM Bus: Lancaster
PM Bus: Fullmer
Staff Room: Office
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 22nd, 2017- Monday- Sharpen the Paw- AM
May 22nd, 2017- Monday- All School Picnic
May 22nd, 2017- Monday- CR graduates visiting during lunch
May 23rd, 2017- Tuesday- 4th Grade Boise field trip
May 24th, 2017- Wednesday- May Principal's Lunch with May student leaders
May 24th, 2017- Wednesday- End of the year Carnival 1-3pm
May 24th, 2017- Wednesday- Last day of Kindergarten, and all students attend in the afternoon
May 25th, 2017- Thursday- Last day of school for 1st-5th and dismissal at 1:15 pm
May 26th, 2017- Friday- Staff Retreat/Data Day- PM
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Kelly- Habit 6: Synergize
It's a short week, but a week filled with fun activities. We start Monday with Sharpen the Paw and here is the list of activities:
Sharpen the Paw 4th Quarter
For the all school picnic, we will be eating outside after picking up lunch items in the lunchroom.
The pictures from this past week including fourth grade making bread in a bag with our kitchen staff, students making benches, monthly student leaders, and the Spring Play:
Pictures This Week
Have a great last week of school:
Friday May 19th, 2017
A big thank you to everybody who attended and supported our kids with their first Spring Musical Play. It was awesome! Thank you also to everybody who helped with hair and faces, donated costumes and set items to borrow, and for providing lots of positive encouragement. It was a great show about friendship and diversity. We have one more show tonight at 6:30 pm.
Fifth grade will be gone all day today for their swimming field trip. It is our gift to them, no cost, before they go on to middle school. We have a great group of fifth graders that have been such a great example for younger kids, and they will be greatly missed next year.
Please help remind students and families that our end of the year school picnic is on Monday, and we will have Canyon Ridge graduates visiting during the lunch hour with their caps and gowns. We would love to have families joining us for lunch on Monday.
It just isn't possible to work at Harrison and sit on the sidelines. We have had staff literally in the pool with kids. Thank you for finding a place to jump in, learn with kids, and grow:
Fifth grade will be gone all day today for their swimming field trip. It is our gift to them, no cost, before they go on to middle school. We have a great group of fifth graders that have been such a great example for younger kids, and they will be greatly missed next year.
Please help remind students and families that our end of the year school picnic is on Monday, and we will have Canyon Ridge graduates visiting during the lunch hour with their caps and gowns. We would love to have families joining us for lunch on Monday.
It just isn't possible to work at Harrison and sit on the sidelines. We have had staff literally in the pool with kids. Thank you for finding a place to jump in, learn with kids, and grow:
Thursday May 18th, 2017
We will have students who are in the play, at Canyon Ridge practicing today. Please help remind students and families about the play tonight. Students have worked really hard practicing. We also have had great family involvement. We had students practicing in the hall this week, in addition to after school practices, and it sounded like a Broadway show. The play starts at 6:30, and it is going to be awesome.
Your mindset and paradigm determines your day. Thought for today:
Your mindset and paradigm determines your day. Thought for today:
Wednesday May 17th, 2017
We have the dunk tank this morning. Let's hope the water is warm.
Fifth grade will be attending careers on wheels this afternoon, and third grade will be at Skateland this afternoon.
Great thought for today:
Fifth grade will be attending careers on wheels this afternoon, and third grade will be at Skateland this afternoon.
Great thought for today:
Tuesday May 16th, 2017
Today is our last day for collecting donations for the playground and dunk tank incentive. Thank you to everybody who has encouraged and supported. We have an awesome new playground system coming in August.
This is true for counselors, and for everybody who assists students. Change counselors to teachers, or support staff, kitchen staff, everybody:
This is true for counselors, and for everybody who assists students. Change counselors to teachers, or support staff, kitchen staff, everybody:
Monday May 15th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Warner
PM Bus: Lindquist
Staff Room: Resource, ESL, and Title 1
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 15th, 2017- Monday- Kindergarten Lunch- all kinders eat lunch at school
May 17th, 2017- Wednesday- Dunk Tank- AM
May 17th, 2017- Wednesday- 3rd Grade end of the year field trip to Skateland- PM
May 17th, 2017- Wednesday- 5th Grade to Careers on Wheels- PM
May 18th, 2017- Thursday- Students in play all day at CR, and show in afternoon at 1 pm
May 18th, 2017- Thursday- School Play at CR, at 6:30 pm
May 19th, 2017- Friday- School Play at CR, at 6:30 pm
May 19th, 2017- Friday- 5th Grade end of the year all day swimming field trip
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Rodriguez- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
next week for May 22nd: Kelly- Habit 6- Synergize
The big event this week is the school play. Please try to attend and support students and staff who have practiced and worked so hard to prepare. Add in fields trips and COW day, and it's a really fun week for students.
With the school year almost over, this a great reflection article. It's really important to step back, reflect, and celebrate all the successes and learning opportunities:
Questions to Ask Yourself as the School Year Winds Down
With the warmer weather, learning went outside this past week. We had smores, music and STEM outside, and more:
Pictures This Week
Have a great week:
AM Bus: Warner
PM Bus: Lindquist
Staff Room: Resource, ESL, and Title 1
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 15th, 2017- Monday- Kindergarten Lunch- all kinders eat lunch at school
May 17th, 2017- Wednesday- Dunk Tank- AM
May 17th, 2017- Wednesday- 3rd Grade end of the year field trip to Skateland- PM
May 17th, 2017- Wednesday- 5th Grade to Careers on Wheels- PM
May 18th, 2017- Thursday- Students in play all day at CR, and show in afternoon at 1 pm
May 18th, 2017- Thursday- School Play at CR, at 6:30 pm
May 19th, 2017- Friday- School Play at CR, at 6:30 pm
May 19th, 2017- Friday- 5th Grade end of the year all day swimming field trip
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Rodriguez- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
next week for May 22nd: Kelly- Habit 6- Synergize
The big event this week is the school play. Please try to attend and support students and staff who have practiced and worked so hard to prepare. Add in fields trips and COW day, and it's a really fun week for students.
With the school year almost over, this a great reflection article. It's really important to step back, reflect, and celebrate all the successes and learning opportunities:
Questions to Ask Yourself as the School Year Winds Down
With the warmer weather, learning went outside this past week. We had smores, music and STEM outside, and more:
Pictures This Week
Have a great week:
Friday May 12th, 2017
First and second grade both have end of the year field trips today.
A big thank you to the Twin Falls Education Foundation. Grant recipients were recognized at our staff meeting on Wednesday:
I'm not sure how it happened, and so quickly, but there are only two weeks of school left. That is hard to believe, and students are starting to notice. They often show they know it with behavior. Even with the increase in behaviors, remember that kids love you. Their safe place full of loving people will be changing soon, as summer vacation will be starting soon, and that can be hard for kids. Remember that as we coast through the next two weeks.
This is so true. We all learn new things everyday, and often the learning is from people around us:
Thursday May 11th, 2017
We have our last ISAT test this morning, with fifth grade Math. Please help keep that hallway and bathroom quiet.
Today is the last day of the after school program. We do have the before school program all the way through the last day of school.
This is a great article that I think every classroom and staff member could relate to. We all have kids that struggle with emotions, and resiliency is a very important piece. Behavior is communication. This is why it is so important to step back and not just want to give a consequence. This might be good to print and refer to as needed:
Reaching Students with Emotional Disturbances
This is so true. Students, and staff, hear and see what we do and say everyday. Be a leader to follow. Even when mistakes are made or failures are made, that is where great learning occurs:
Today is the last day of the after school program. We do have the before school program all the way through the last day of school.
This is a great article that I think every classroom and staff member could relate to. We all have kids that struggle with emotions, and resiliency is a very important piece. Behavior is communication. This is why it is so important to step back and not just want to give a consequence. This might be good to print and refer to as needed:
Reaching Students with Emotional Disturbances
This is so true. Students, and staff, hear and see what we do and say everyday. Be a leader to follow. Even when mistakes are made or failures are made, that is where great learning occurs:
Wednesday May 10th, 2017
A big thank you to everybody who assisted with the family night activity Tuesday night, and for encouraging students to attend. Thank you also to everybody who helped with planning. The weather was perfect for roasting marshmallows and hot dogs, and the event had such a great turn out. Super fun!
We start the morning with our monthly Breakfast with Books in the lunchroom. We will also be recognizing the readers of the month from every grade level.
We have a staff meeting after school in the library. We will be starting by 3:25.
This is also true for students:
We start the morning with our monthly Breakfast with Books in the lunchroom. We will also be recognizing the readers of the month from every grade level.
We have a staff meeting after school in the library. We will be starting by 3:25.
This is also true for students:
Tuesday May 9th, 2017
We have fifth grade completing the first part of their Math ISAT test this morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway and bathroom quiet.
We have our Volunteer Appreciation recognition after school. We'll start at 3:30 in the library, and everybody is welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to thank people that have helped at our school this year.
The fun continues with our boys activity. They are welcome to bring a favorite gal, like mom or grandma, to our outdoor smores and fun event. We will start at 6:00, outside by the staff parking lot on the side of the school. Please help remind students and families. This will be a really fun event.
On the topic of great things occurring, Robert Stuart just received a Leader in Me grant like ours. Super exciting! We have kids who have had leadership opportunities since almost Kindergarten, and they will be continuing on to middle school with the same learning. Their grant includes similar items as ours like on site coaching, student activity books, and more. Just imagine the kids when they get to high school, just impressive and exciting. One day these kids will be leading in our community.
The hardest part about school ending, is the summer slide. We don't want to lose all the hard work that students and staff have put in during the school year. Thank you for continuing to plan engaging lessons. Every school day is important for learning:
We have our Volunteer Appreciation recognition after school. We'll start at 3:30 in the library, and everybody is welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to thank people that have helped at our school this year.
The fun continues with our boys activity. They are welcome to bring a favorite gal, like mom or grandma, to our outdoor smores and fun event. We will start at 6:00, outside by the staff parking lot on the side of the school. Please help remind students and families. This will be a really fun event.
On the topic of great things occurring, Robert Stuart just received a Leader in Me grant like ours. Super exciting! We have kids who have had leadership opportunities since almost Kindergarten, and they will be continuing on to middle school with the same learning. Their grant includes similar items as ours like on site coaching, student activity books, and more. Just imagine the kids when they get to high school, just impressive and exciting. One day these kids will be leading in our community.
The hardest part about school ending, is the summer slide. We don't want to lose all the hard work that students and staff have put in during the school year. Thank you for continuing to plan engaging lessons. Every school day is important for learning:
Monday May 8th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Fullmer
PM Bus: Garcia
Staff Room: 5th Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 8th, 2017- Monday- Eval team
May 9th, 2017- Tuesday- Volunteer Appreciation- 3:30 in the Library
May 9th, 2017- Tuesday- Boys Activity- Spend Smore Time with your Favorite Gal- 6:00-7:30
May 10th, 2017- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month
May 10th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
May 11th, 2017- Thursday- Last day of the after school program
May 12th, 2017- Friday- 1st Grade end of the year field trip to CSI Herrett Center & Picnic Lunch
May 12th, 2017- Friday- 2nd Grade of the year field trip to YMCA swimming- afternoon
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Thomason- Habit 4: Think win-win
next week for May 15th: Rodriguez- Habit 5- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 5th completing Math CAT Test- AM
Thursday: All 5th completing Math Performance Task Test- AM
Everybody is invited to our Volunteer Appreciation event on Tuesday. It is short, but super important. It's a great time to thank those that have helped our school this year.
The staff meeting on Wednesday will have end of the year housekeeping items, and staff who attended the Federal Programs Conference will be sharing what stood out to them.
We have just a few pictures from this last week. We had our last Family of the Month assembly, student leaders of the month, and leadership jobs. The last picture might be my favorite. I wish you could have seen all the big kids helping the little ones counting coins. It might have been recess, but they were eager to help. Just priceless. I say it every year, but I think we are sending our best group of fifth graders to middle school. They are so kind and our little ones just love them:
Pictures This Week
Please help remind students and families about our upcoming Spring Play. Students have been practicing and they are super excited to share their performance. We have two dates at Canyon Ridge and it is definitely something not to miss:
Spring Play- We Are Monsters
It truly is the optimists and those with a positive lens that create change:
AM Bus: Fullmer
PM Bus: Garcia
Staff Room: 5th Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 8th, 2017- Monday- Eval team
May 9th, 2017- Tuesday- Volunteer Appreciation- 3:30 in the Library
May 9th, 2017- Tuesday- Boys Activity- Spend Smore Time with your Favorite Gal- 6:00-7:30
May 10th, 2017- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month
May 10th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
May 11th, 2017- Thursday- Last day of the after school program
May 12th, 2017- Friday- 1st Grade end of the year field trip to CSI Herrett Center & Picnic Lunch
May 12th, 2017- Friday- 2nd Grade of the year field trip to YMCA swimming- afternoon
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Thomason- Habit 4: Think win-win
next week for May 15th: Rodriguez- Habit 5- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 5th completing Math CAT Test- AM
Thursday: All 5th completing Math Performance Task Test- AM
Everybody is invited to our Volunteer Appreciation event on Tuesday. It is short, but super important. It's a great time to thank those that have helped our school this year.
The staff meeting on Wednesday will have end of the year housekeeping items, and staff who attended the Federal Programs Conference will be sharing what stood out to them.
We have just a few pictures from this last week. We had our last Family of the Month assembly, student leaders of the month, and leadership jobs. The last picture might be my favorite. I wish you could have seen all the big kids helping the little ones counting coins. It might have been recess, but they were eager to help. Just priceless. I say it every year, but I think we are sending our best group of fifth graders to middle school. They are so kind and our little ones just love them:
Pictures This Week
Please help remind students and families about our upcoming Spring Play. Students have been practicing and they are super excited to share their performance. We have two dates at Canyon Ridge and it is definitely something not to miss:
Spring Play- We Are Monsters
It truly is the optimists and those with a positive lens that create change:
Friday May 5th, 2017
We have our last Family of the Month assembly this morning, and it is a Friday fun day with crazy hair.
We have a yummy lunch by great families that have treated us to yummy foods all week.
This is a great positive video and it's short. A new prosthetic leg and kindness on the playground:
New Prosthetic Leg
Have a great Friday:
We have a yummy lunch by great families that have treated us to yummy foods all week.
This is a great positive video and it's short. A new prosthetic leg and kindness on the playground:
New Prosthetic Leg
Have a great Friday:
Thursday May 4th, 2017
Fifth grade will be completing the last part of their ELA ISAT test this morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway and bathroom quiet.
Please help remind students and families about the 'Spend Smore Time With Your Favorite Gal' activity on Tuesday. That is going to be a fun family activity.
If students missed their classroom time for the school store, Friday morning recess or afternoon recess is fine. School store leaders will be in the lunchroom.
So true:
Please help remind students and families about the 'Spend Smore Time With Your Favorite Gal' activity on Tuesday. That is going to be a fun family activity.
If students missed their classroom time for the school store, Friday morning recess or afternoon recess is fine. School store leaders will be in the lunchroom.
So true:
Wednesday May 3rd, 2017
Tonight is Kindergarten Open House, 5:00-6:30. We will start in the library, and then families can visit classrooms. We will also have registration available, which is super helpful for families who work or attend college classes.
We have had several great families providing yummy foods this week in the staff room. As you see them preparing on Wednesday for the next daily theme, please thank them. They have done a great job leading, organizing, and ensuring that all staff have been thanked this week.
It's our last one of the school year. Here are the April staff members we are recognizing:
April Staff Oscars
Please help remind students that Friday is the last school store of the year. If they have forgotten this week during their assigned class times, they can participate during recesses on Friday.
We are so lucky. We see and meet leaders every day. All of our students:
We have had several great families providing yummy foods this week in the staff room. As you see them preparing on Wednesday for the next daily theme, please thank them. They have done a great job leading, organizing, and ensuring that all staff have been thanked this week.
It's our last one of the school year. Here are the April staff members we are recognizing:
April Staff Oscars
Please help remind students that Friday is the last school store of the year. If they have forgotten this week during their assigned class times, they can participate during recesses on Friday.
We are so lucky. We see and meet leaders every day. All of our students:
Tuesday May 2nd, 2017
We have fifth grade completing the first part of their ELA ISAT test this morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway and bathroom quiet.
This is a great article to share with students. This is a Twin Falls High School student beating all the challenges placed in front of him. Great grades, working towards goals, overcoming challenges, and going on to college:
Idaho Teen
In addition to teachers, all staff:
This is a great article to share with students. This is a Twin Falls High School student beating all the challenges placed in front of him. Great grades, working towards goals, overcoming challenges, and going on to college:
Idaho Teen
In addition to teachers, all staff:
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