

Monday May 2nd, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Porter

     PM Bus: Moulson
    Lounge: Lancaster

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   May 2nd, 2016- Monday- Fall Kindergarten registration starts

   May 3rd, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting

   May 4th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

   May 4th, 2016- Wednesday- Late night Kindergarten registration until 6:30 pm, Open House 5:00-6:30, and STEM family activities during Open House

   May 5th, 2016- Thursday- Panda Express Fundraiser for Harrison: 11:00 am- 9:00 pm

   May 5th, 2016- Thursday- JIVE at Roper, 9:30-10:30: 1st and 2nd Grade

   May 6th, 2016- Friday- Friday Fun- dress like the career of your future

   May 6th, 2016- Friday- JIVE at Roper, 9:30-10:30- AM Kindergarten

   May 6th, 2016- Friday- Student leaders selling pencils and caramel apple suckers

   May 6th, 2016- Friday- JIVE at Roper, 1:30-2:30- PM Kindergarten, 3rd Grade, and 4th Grade

Assessment Schedule for the week:

   May 3rd, 2016- Tuesday- 5th: ELA CAT ISAT- 9:00 am

   May 5th, 2016- Thursday- 5th: ELA Performance Task ISAT- 9:00 am 

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
    Lent- Habit 3: Put first things first

This is the flier that went home with students on Friday. We have a full week of activities:

Week of May 2nd Note to Families

It is going to be busy in the office this week with Kindergarten registration. Please help where you see a need, answer the phone if it is ringing, and welcome and visit with families if you have a minute.

We celebrated our April student leaders and Secretary's Week, had students walk to CSI for an agriculture field trip, eggs during STEM classes, and fun learning this past week! Here are pictures:

Pictures This Week

It's Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week! Students on the student lighthouse team, and several friends, have spent all week creating thank you signs for every staff member. From the kitchen, to the preschool, custodial staff, certified, and all of our classified staff. Students spent 5 days putting so much love into the signs, and spending their recesses preparing for you! I also spent a week in an office that looked like an art store exploded in it. 

During the morning and afternoon recess on Monday, students can go to the lunchroom for an 'appreciation station.' Student lighthouse members will be in there with heart die-cuts. Students just need to bring something to write with. They can write thank you notes to their teacher, or any staff member at our school. 

Go for a gallery walk this week around the school. Find a colleague, take your coffee or water, and walk around the hallways! We have impressive writing displayed from Kindergarten students, all the teacher and staff thank you signs students made for you, and a display of pictures from our Leadership Day events. This will also be great for new families who are registering this week, to view what we are most proud of at Harrison- our kids! 

We have something to eat and drink every day this week! We have both students and families assisting/leading, a PTSO, and here is the list of themes for every day this week:


Friday April 29th, 2016

A big thank you to Ms. Reese and our after school staff for planning, preparing, and leading a very successful Robotics Expo! We also had student art on display. We had a great turn out of families, especially second language students and dads! I wish you could have seen all the facial expressions as students were problem solving when fixing and building robots, and when answering questions. What a great night for critical thinking skills, persistence, and developing grit! Here are a few pictures:

Spring Robotics Expo

Have a great Friday! This picture is a great example of how students and families are feeling right now, as they are planning and getting ready to celebrate teacher and staff appreciation week on Monday! It's going to be a great week:


Thursday April 28th, 2016

The robotics event is tonight. Please help remind students.

We have 3rd and 4th finishing the performance task of their math ISAT today. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet. I hear you reminding students and really appreciate the help.

This short article fits very well with Mrs. Jensen's presentation at our staff meeting. We need to know our students, ensure every student has at least one staff member that they feel cares about them, push them with high expectations, develop a growth mindset, listen to students, and never give up.

It reminds me about a situation at lunch on Wednesday. I saw a piece of food go flying. I saw one student do it. Several fingers pointed to different kids. I just reminded about the expectations of manners and asked who was going to be responsible for their behavior and have thinking time at the office, to think about the behavior we expect in our lunchroom. Three boys stood up and started walking to the table by the office. Really proud of them! They ate their lunch, we discussed the behavior and expectations, and then out they went to recess to have a fresh start for the rest of the afternoon. Mistakes happen and they are part of learning. Here is the article:

Warm Demander

This is so true. Kids hear everything we say, as well as our body language not spoken:


Wednesday April 27th, 2016

We have a staff meeting today. We will start at about 3:50 in the library.

Please remind students about the robotics event Thursday night.

Out of the 20 tips suggested in the article below, one might catch your eye. Every classroom has students with behavior struggles, and there might be something listed that you could try. It is long, so you might print or bookmark for reading later. The list includes items like mindfulness, leadership, developing and practicing social/emotional skills, and learning more about students to help better understand what they are communicating with their behavior:

20 Tips to Help De-escalate Interactions with Anxious or Defiant Students

Keep smiling and being positive:


Tuesday April 26th, 2016

We have 3rd and 4th grade students completing the first part of their math ISAT today. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

This article has 3 ideas for increasing student engagement. Instead of mostly sit and get, engage and think instead! Students involved with more opportunities for thinking, guide their own learning. They are often more interested and engaged:

Thinking Strategies to Engage Students

Anybody who works in education can relate to the constant daily twists that come at you every day. This, a plot twist is just a new adventure:


Monday April 25th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Pauley

     PM Bus: Coleman
    Lounge: Miller

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   April 26th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting

   April 26th, 2026- Tuesday- Kindergarten walking to CSI Herrett Center/World Sky/Museum

   April 27th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 27th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   April 28th, 2016- Thursday- Staff Lighthouse Team

   April 28th, 2016- Thursday- Robotics Night 5:00-8:00- With 21st Century Grant

   April 29th, 2016- Friday- Principal's Lunch with April student leaders

   April 29th, 2016- Friday- 3rd Grade and 2nd Enders- walking to CSI- Ag in the Classroom- PM

Assessment Schedule for the week:

   April 26th, 2016- Tuesday- 4th: Math CAT ISAT- 9:00 am

   April 26th, 2016- Tuesday- 3rd: Math CAT ISAT- 1:00 pm

   April 27th, 2016- Wednesday- Warner- 5th Science ISAT

   April 28th, 2016- Thursday- 4th: Math Performance Task ISAT- 9:00 am

   April 28th, 2016- Thursday- 3rd: Math Performance Task ISAT- 1:00 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

    Moore- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

All week is Secretary's Week!

The staff meeting this week will be led by Mrs. Jensen. She attended the recent Prevention Conference. She will be sharing the highlights of trauma informed discipline and restorative justice. This is a great topic and relates very well to our school and students.

CSI has a great agriculture opportunity for students this week. We have 3rd grade and Mrs. Ender's 2nd grade class attending. Our students are really lucky to be able to just walk down the street to CSI for different opportunities during the year that they might not otherwise be able to experience. You can click on the picture for more information:

So many great pictures this week. We have student leaders helping around the school, students integrating devices with their learning, bucket drumming, and more!

Pictures This Week

I think we can all relate:


Friday April 22nd, 2016

Think of the students who don't smile very often, or who have a lot on their plate from home situations. Find opportunities to ensure laughter is included daily. It's good health wise, and definitely a way to sharpen the saw. Laughter is important.

Have a great Friday!


Thursday April 21st, 2016

We will finish the ELA ISAT testing for 3rd and 4th grade today. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

We are always striving to increase family involvement. Here are 3 ideas:

Encourage Involvement in the Classroom

Of all the high schools in the state, Twin Falls High School made #9. Very impressive. We have great public schools in Idaho, including our own school. I think Canyon Ridge should have been on the list:

High School

Love this thought:


Wednesday April 20th, 2016

Please make a note on your calendar. Next week is Secretaries Week, or also known as Administrative Assistants Week! Let's make next week a great week for Linda to remember.

Thank you to everybody for helping to keep the hallways quiet during testing on Tuesday. I didn't hear a sound. I heard a few staff members in the hall, and outside before school started, encouraging the younger students with their IRI testing and the older students with ISAT's. Thank you for doing that. Students have worked really hard this year, and they deserve the positive and kind words.

Great thought for the day from Kid President:


Tuesday April 19th, 2016

I think I've shared this article before. It discusses a great book. We all provide customer service. From opening the door for delivery people, to answering phones, to helping a child with an immediate need, to even helping a colleague with a task. And, students are watching and learning from you! What are the extra sprinkles that we give, that others will remember? We all provide customer service:

Sprinkles: Creating Awesome Experiences Through Innovative Service

We start the ELA ISAT for all 3rd and 4th grade students today. Please help keep those hallways quiet. Please also look for opportunities to provide encouragement to students. They have worked very hard all year.

Thought for the day:


Monday April 18th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Simson

     PM Bus: Lent
    Lounge: Warner

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   April 18th, 2016- Monday- IRI testing starts

   April 19th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting

   April 20th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 22nd, 2016- Friday- Earth Day

Assessment Schedule for the week:

   April 19th, 2016- Tuesday- All 3rd and 4th: ELA CAT ISAT- 9:00 am

   April 21st, 2016- Thursday- All 3rd and 4th: ELA Performance Task ISAT- 9:00 am

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

    Standley- Habit 1: Be Proactive

Here are a few pictures from this past week. Blended learning with devices, mustache giggles, and more:

Pictures This Week

This article is a bit long, but just fits perfectly with Harrison. Love this! You might bookmark so you can read a little bit at a time. So many great pieces that relate to our school and our students. Eliminating the school to prison pipeline with innovative practices that get results, like student leadership and restorative practices, are mentioned. Educating the whole child gets results. Mrs. Jensen and Ms. Reese were at the annual Prevention Conference this past week. Trauma informed schools! This topic was included, and Mrs. Jensen will be leading our next staff meeting as she shares the highlights:

School Conforms to Kids

The school mentioned in the article is also in this video:

Compassion in Schools- Trauma Informed Schools

Thought to start the week:


Friday April 15th, 2016

This article is a great reminder about how and why we give the consequences we give for behavior. It is important to look at each child individually, and to talk with children to better understand the underlying root pieces. Behavior is communication, and sometimes needs are expressed in an unloving way. There isn't a set discipline plan, but rather an individualized plan that is fair. The growth of our students with behavior and self-managing of their emotions has been impressive this year! Thank you for your patience with children, and being loving even when their behavior is unloving.

Just as the article suggests, involving students in the discussion of the possible consequence options like we do at Harrison is a better discipline plan:

Fairness With Behavior

Great point:


Thursday April 14th, 2016

This is a great article about digital citizenship. It doesn't matter if you are online or in person. What matters is being a great citizen. It doesn't matter if it is online on a device, a piece of a paper that is being written on, or a conversation with another person. What matters is being kind. This is a great article to share and discuss with students:

Digital Citizenship With Charlie Brown

Think of your students, think of your colleagues. We are developing leadership in everybody, everyday, and that's a real life skill that matters:


Wednesday April 13th, 2016

We have a staff meeting after school, and we will start at about 3:50 pm in the library.

This is a very relatable article for several of our students, and all of our students know other students in their classroom and school who are new to our country. What a great experience for our students! It is important to ensure that our students are globally literate. Our students have a great opportunity every day to learn and have conversations with diverse populations. Here are some ideas about bringing the immigrant experience to life in your classroom:

Teaching Poetry of the Immigrant Experience

Learning English is important, and it is very impressive this time of the year to see the progress of our second language students. Having knowledge of more than one language, even just a few phrases and words, opens doors for new experiences and opportunities. Here is a thought for the day from a Professor at Stanford that focuses on English Language Learners:


Tuesday April 12th, 2016

The Title 1 team will be visiting Shoshone Elementary this afternoon.

We have a family note going home this week:

Family Note Front

Family Note Back With Dates

So true:


Monday April 11th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Moore

     PM Bus: Porter
    Lounge: Hammond

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   April 11th, 2016- Monday- Student Lighthouse team

   April 12th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
   April 12th, 2016- Tuesday- Title 1 Team visits Shoshone Elementary- Afternoon

   April 13th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team 

   April 13th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   April 14th, 2016- Thursday- Staff Lighthouse team

Assessment Schedule for the week:

   April 11th, 2016- Monday- Lancaster Science ISAT

   April 13th, 2016- Wednesday- Warner Science ISAT
   April 15th, 2016- Friday- Hammond Science ISAT


   April 18th, 2015- IRI Testing Starts

Staff Meeting Agenda:

    - Fifth Grade will be leading. They visited O'Leary for their peer observations and will be sharing writing strategies and best practices.

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Fullmer- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs

Here are a few pictures from the past week. Chicken, learning, bubbles, and more:

Pictures This Week

Keep learning and growing! Surround yourself with those willing to go out on the edge and try new things! Of course there may be learning bumps along the way, but just think of the fun stories to share! Thought for the day:


Friday April 8th, 2016

As the weather starts to get warmer, please help remind students to drink water.

Have a great Friday!


Thursday April 7th, 2016

This is a great article with tips for when we work with students who live in generational poverty. Big challenges end with great rewards! Closing academic gaps requires closing opportunity gaps.  Praise, thinking outside the box with challenges that arise, loving students even during the most difficult and unloving behaviors, and having high expectations. There is so much potential in all of our students:

5 Ways to Help Students Affected by Generational Poverty

This article is a quick read about how living in poverty can influence learning. The part about mobility is something that I think most of can relate to with students we work with:

How Does Poverty Influence Learning?

Whether we are providing interventions, extensions, check-ins, incentives and behavior plans, discipline, or even resources: every student is different. Great reminder of equity versus equality, everybody receiving the same:


Wednesday April 6th, 2016

We had a great night at Chick-fil-A! Thank you to those that attended, and even assisted! It was a great evening with students and their families.

The link below is such a great article. It relates very well to our school, and fits with Leader in Me pieces like leadership and student voice. The last couple years have seen changes at our school with how we talk with students, particularly with discipline. Some days are hard. There is a shift in mindset that has been required at times, and that takes time. As the article states: we see potential in all students, despite challenges that arise.

I wish you could have the Kindergarten teacher Tuesday afternoon, as she handled a disciple situation. She was discussing behavior concerns with a student, included the habits to help make changes, and giving patience and her time- as a plan for changes was made. The student showed empathy as he discussed the feelings of the other students, win-loss instead of win-win, with that specific language used in the conversation. More than just consequences, but also including social-emotional skills. What a change from past discipline! Very impressive, and so proud of both the teacher and the student.  I can't wait to see that young man in a few years as a fifth grade student.

We have seen so many successes with the creative uses of people and resources. The growth of students shows it, both with academics and social-emotional areas:

7 Steps For Turning Around Under-Resourced Schools

Thought for the day:


Tuesday April 5th, 2016

Tonight is our Chick-fil-A fundraiser for the playground, from 5:00-8:00! Please help remind students and families.

As we are starting April, we have the great opportunity to recognize staff:

March Staff Oscars

This is a great article that has ideas for how students can spread kindness, while integrating with learning you are already doing in the classroom. Soft skills are just as important as academics. Soft skills, like kindness, are life skills:

9 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

Thought for today:


Monday April 4th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Moulson

     PM Bus: Nail
    Lounge: Standley

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 


   April 5th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting


   April 5th, 2016- Tuesday- Chick-fil-A night, for the playground! 5:00-8:00 PM

   April 6th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Warner- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Please help remind students and families about Tuesday's Chick-fil-A night. Harrison will receive 10% from orders from 5:00-8:00, and money will go towards updating the playground. 

Thank you to those that jumped in and assisted with the Friday bread sale!

We had several fun activities this last week, and here are pictures that would be great to share with students:

Pictures This Week

Service and empathy are essential pieces of leadership: