

Monday January 4th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Fullmer
     PM Bus: Tahiri
     Lounge: Bradley

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 
   January 5th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
   January 6th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team 

   January 6th, 2016- Wednesday- Rocket Math Assembly 3:00

   January 8th, 2016- Friday- Dress like a favorite character from a book, Friday Fun 

   January 8th, 2016- Friday- Student Leaders selling items during recesses

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

    Goodwin- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

Please remember to print the 3rd Quarter Block Schedule:

3rd Quarter Block

We ended December by recognizing staff members, and it's a great list:

December Staff Oscars List

We ended December by also recognizing the student leaders for the month. Here are pictures of the leaders, Christmas festivities, and other fun activities with learning mixed in:

Pictures This Week

We have our annual staff Hot Cocoa Bar during morning recess on Monday when we start back. Feel free to bring any treats that you may wish to clear out of your house from the holidays. The office will provide the cocoa.

Student leaders will be selling items during recesses on Friday. We are Winter cleaning. There are a few items such as pencils, caramel apple suckers, and candy canes. Pencils are one quarter and the others are fifty cents each.

We ended December with a negative note. Our absences were really high for the month. Please start the new quarter by reviewing school WIG's, classroom attendance goals, and individual goals in student leadership notebooks.

Here are a few articles that are great inspiration, with positive thoughts to reflect upon, as we start a new third quarter:

Be Happy

10 Things Every Educator Should Say


Friday December 18th, 2015

A big thank you to everybody who helped with all of the different activities on Thursday. It was a busy, but fun day. Thank you to the fun committee for organizing and leading the 12 days of Christmas fun.

Have a great Christmas break with your friends and family!



Thursday December 17th, 2015

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
everybody was sharpening the paw,
and wearing their favorite Christmas socks.
This wasn't a flaw,
we have waited a whole quarter!

Christmas fun today is to wear Christmas socks, and tomorrow will be to wear a Christmas hat. 

We have had two great staff meetings this month for certified staff to share and learn from their colleagues. We also have had certified staff completing one peer observation every quarter. We've had support staff and classified staff giving of themselves daily, and helping students and wherever they saw a need. Students have persevered with the goals in their leadership notebooks, intervention groups, tutoring groups, and other intensive projects and assignments. Half way through the school year and the innovation, collaboration, and reflection is impressive! It's time to sharpen the saw, but for huskies, we Sharpen the Paw!

The big activity today is Sharpen the Paw, starting at 9:15. This seventh habit, sharpening the saw, is important. Students and staff work so hard and give so much of themselves. This is a great opportunity to learn, be engaged with activities that students might not otherwise get to do, and to have fun. Our kids need fun activities, to laugh, and to have fun with their friends. That's educating the whole child. This is especially important as we get ready for two weeks off of school, and school is often a safe place for our kids. 

We talk frequently with students about graduating from high school and going on to college. Just imagine starting your first year as a third grade teacher and also finishing your last semester of college. A big congratulations to Mrs. Tahiri for graduating! That's a great example for students. 

We had Christmas parties for Kindergarten on Wednesday. Santa also visited preschool and Kindergarten classrooms. This afternoon we will have Christmas parties for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Santa will be visiting all 1st-5th grade classrooms as well in the afternoon. 

Today is the last day of the food drive collection, and the Principal's lunch with December student leaders is today. 

Please remind students and families that we will be dismissing Friday at 1:10. 

Cue the Christmas music for Thursday morning! Here is a Christmas reminder as we enjoy all of the fun learning activities today. The children are wiggly and excited. Might as well just join in and just start singing:


Wednesday December 16th, 2015

On the tenth day of Christmas,
The elves were dancing and singing at school,
as people were dressed with red and green
Christmas attire that was cool!

The Christmas fun for today is to dress like an elf. The fun for tomorrow is to wear Christmas socks.

Today is Christmas lunch.

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

Some Christmas thoughts:


Tuesday December 15th, 2015

On the ninth day of Christmas,
cheeks were rosy and red.
Everyone was dressed in red from their head
to their feet as they tread!

Today's Christmas fun is to wear red and show support for troops who are serving during Christmas. Tomorrow's Christmas fun is to dress like an elf!

Please remind families about Christmas Lunch on Wednesday. That's a great opportunity for families to be involved at school.

Today is grade level teaming.

We had students compete in a Robotics tournament on Saturday. Here are a few pictures, and so proud of them:


The last day for the food collection is Thursday. All items will be delivered that day. It should be an easy delivery, as students have been packing items into boxes every time they see items under the Christmas tree. We have kids that are proactive and love to jump in and help wherever they see a need.

If you aren't familiar with Macy's Make-A-Wish program, this is a fun writing project that is also a service opportunity that gives back to others. Several classrooms have participated in the past. Students can write a letter to Santa online:


Great thought that can change the entire direction of your day. It's much more fun to describe and share an adventure:


Monday December 14th, 2015

On the eighth day of Christmas,
we had the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who.
They were red and green, but not blue!
Christmas was coming!

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Osborn
     PM Bus: Kenyon
     Lounge: Simson

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 
   December 14th, 2015- Monday- Getting Ready for Kindergarten Night with United Way 6:00


   December 15th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
   December 15th, 2015- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming
   December 16th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team 

   December 16th, 2015- Wednesday- Kindergarten Christmas Parties  

   December 16th, 2015- Wednesday- Christmas Lunch

   December 16th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   December 17th, 2015- Thursday- Sharpen the Paw 9:15-11:15

   December 17th, 2015- Thursday- Principal's Lunch with December Student Leaders

   December 17th, 2015- Thursday- 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Christmas Parties 2:30

   December 18th, 2015- Friday- 4th Christmas Party 10:45

   December 18th, 2015- Friday- 5th Christmas Party 12:20

   December 18th, 2015- Friday- No Kindergarten, end of 2nd quarter, and Early Release 1:10

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

    Moulson- Habit 1: Be Proactive

Please welcome Mrs. Kohler this week. She will be the long term guest teacher for Mrs. Coleman, through almost the end part of January. We are really appreciative of her giving of her time to assist.

Monday's Christmas fun is to dress like a character from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Tuesday's Christmas fun is to wear red and show support for troops serving during Christmas.

These are great pictures. We had hour of code, classroom buddies teaching reading lessons, learning, leadership, and fun. This post would be great to share and discuss with students:

Pictures This Week

The staff meeting on Wednesday will have teachers sharing something from Domain 1 or 4, from the teacher evaluation form. These are the staff members sharing:

   1st, 3rd, 5th, Preschool, PE, Title 1, and Instructional Coach

What an awesome line up for our Second Quarter Sharpen the Paw day on Thursday! Here is the list:

Sharpen the Paw 2nd Quarter


Friday December 11th, 2015

On the seventh day of Christmas,
people were dressed in white,
black buttons, and a top hat.
It was quite the sight
to see snowmen at school like that!

Christmas fun today is to dress like a snowman. Monday's fun is to dress like a character from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. That has a lot of options.

As we get ready for the weekend, let's ponder about the restrooms. This is not normally a topic discussed, except if you work in a school. Bathrooms are the one rare place in a school where supervision is hard. All day long, we deal with bathrooms. From cleaning, quieting, checking on situations, and even trying to make them feel more like home. We've made great improvements, and are always coming back to the table with more ideas for the restrooms. We have a competition right now with ladies versus gentlemen, for which restrooms can be the cleanest.  This is a good discussion to have with students. This is an article that relates:

School Bathrooms

Have a great Friday!


Thursday December 10th, 2015

On the sixth day of Christmas,
classrooms were filled with reindeer
dressed children and staff.
It became very clear,
that Santa was near with his laugh!

Christmas fun today is to dress like a reindeer, and tomorrow is to dress like a snowman.

We have students interviewing today for the student lighthouse team. It is an impressive group of students.

Please remind students about our annual food drive. This is a great way to give back to our local community.

Here is a great thought for today. This goes perfectly with our December staff meetings. Leaders, staff and students, are constant innovators that are thinking and reflecting:


Wednesday December 9th, 2015

On the fifth day of Christmas,
children were all wearing a bow
made with ribbon or lace.
Pretty and handsome as they glow,
a Christmas showcase!

Today's Christmas fun is to wear a bow. Tomorrow is to dress like a reindeer, possibly with antlers. 

Here are a few pictures from the Christmas concert. This would be great to share with students:

We have a staff meeting after school today. This is a great collaboration and leading opportunity.

If you have never seen students engaged with coding, this is the week. We have students coding all year, but this is the week for every student K-5 to try a mini lesson in our innovation lab. Super awesome experience!

Great thought for today:


Tuesday December 8th, 2015

On the fourth day of Christmas,
we saw sparkles, balls, and a doll.
Why those were just a Christmas tree
of boys and girls who were tall
and dressed with garland and glee!

What an excellent Christmas Concert! People were standing in the back and the sides. It was packed and such a great turn out. Thank you to everybody who helped!

Christmas fun today is to dress like a tree, and tomorrow is to wear a Christmas bow.

The staff Christmas party is after school today in the library. All staff are invited, not just certified. There are always fun games, laughs, and great treats. Come sharpen the saw with your colleagues!

Here are 3 great articles that would be good to bookmark and refer back to later. As we are almost half way through the school year, these are the areas that we have really focused on this year: Collaboration and peer observations, developing leadership in both students and adults, continual learning and reflecting, integrating innovation and important skills necessary for any career, creativity, and staying positive with the words that we use everyday. Our calling matters:

Play and Passion


Words Matter


Monday December 7th, 2015

On the third day of Christmas,
everybody was wearing red, white, and blue.
We are patriotic and appreciative of you!
Letters for soldiers!

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Standley
     PM Bus: Enders
     Lounge: Miller

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 
   December 7th, 2015- Monday- Christmas Concert at Roper. Doors open at 6, & program at 6:30

   December 8th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
   December 8th, 2015- Tuesday- Staff Christmas Party 3:45 in the library
   December 9th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team


   December 9th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   December 10th, 2015- Thursday- Lighthouse Team

   December 10th, 2015- Thursday- Student Lighthouse Team interviews before and after school

   December 10th, 2015- Thursday- 21st CCLC Grant Advisory Board meeting 6:00 in the library

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements: 

   Pauley- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. 

The christmas fun on Tuesday is to dress like a Christmas tree, with perhaps garland.

Please help remind students and families about the Christmas Concert Monday night. We haven't done a school wide K-5 program before, so the event is going to be awesome!

This week is Hour of Code! Every class K-5 will be learning and engaging with code when they go to the innovation lab this week with Mrs. Sorensen. A big thank you to Mrs. Sorensen for leading the learning. 

The staff meetings for the next two weeks are two of my favorites. This is an opportunity for every certified staff member to share something from domains 1 or 4, from the teacher evaluation form. This is a great time for teachers to lead, share, and shine. This is the schedule of who is sharing:

December 9th: K, 2nd, 4th, Special Ed/PRC, Music, 5th Block STEM, and ESL

December 16th: 1st, 3rd, 5th, Preschool, PE, Title 1, and Coach

We had a great Leader in Me family night. A big thank you to everybody who attended and assisted! There are pictures here, as well as a great pdf of the November student leaders that would be great to share and discuss with students:

Pictures This Week

We had Jefferson Elementary visiting last week, and we have Horizon Elementary visiting this week. Students have done an excellent job as tour guide leaders! The compliments and comments have been very kind. The Twin Falls Education Foundation will be visiting on Tuesday as well. Here is another school implementing leadership:


Great thought and fits well with our building goals. Think big:


Friday December 4th, 2015

On the second day of Christmas,
sweaters of doubt and unappealing sight,
were worn without worry or fright.
Warm and cozy festive wear,
for a Friday with a nip of cold in the air!

Monday's Christmas fun is to wear red, white, and blue. In addition, students can make a Christmas card for a soldier. Finished cards can be brought to the office.

Candy cane sale is today. Student leaders will come around to pick up orders by morning recess. 

Please remind students and families about the Christmas concert on Monday, at Roper. The program will start at 6:30, and every student K-5 has a part. 

Have a great Friday! 



Thursday December 3rd, 2015

Today is the first day of Christmas fun. 
Students will all be smiling and trying not to run.
As students arrive at school, what will we see in the hallway?
Why children dressed for a pajama day!

We have a great Leader in Me family night event planned for tonight, 5:30-7:00. A big thank you to Mrs. Anderson for planning and organizing! Part of our Leader in Me grant was having a trainer in house for families, and that is Daysha. Families will be learning tonight about leadership within their own homes, creating family mission statements, and creating a family Christmas ornament. This is a great family involvement event.

Please help remind students and families about the candy cane sale tomorrow.

Please remind students and families about our Christmas concert on Monday.

This is a great thought about math, but could be applied to any content area. Struggling is good. Engaged and learning:


Wednesday December 2nd, 2015

Please remind students about our annual food drive, candy cane sale on Friday, and the upcoming 12 days of Christmas that starts on Thursday. Giving, eating, and fun!

Great thought: