AM Bus: Fullmer
PM Bus: Tahiri
Lounge: Bradley
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
January 5th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
January 6th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team
January 6th, 2016- Wednesday- Rocket Math Assembly 3:00
January 8th, 2016- Friday- Dress like a favorite character from a book, Friday Fun
January 8th, 2016- Friday- Student Leaders selling items during recesses
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Goodwin- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
Please remember to print the 3rd Quarter Block Schedule:
3rd Quarter Block
We ended December by recognizing staff members, and it's a great list:
December Staff Oscars List
We ended December by also recognizing the student leaders for the month. Here are pictures of the leaders, Christmas festivities, and other fun activities with learning mixed in:
Pictures This Week
We have our annual staff Hot Cocoa Bar during morning recess on Monday when we start back. Feel free to bring any treats that you may wish to clear out of your house from the holidays. The office will provide the cocoa.
Student leaders will be selling items during recesses on Friday. We are Winter cleaning. There are a few items such as pencils, caramel apple suckers, and candy canes. Pencils are one quarter and the others are fifty cents each.
We ended December with a negative note. Our absences were really high for the month. Please start the new quarter by reviewing school WIG's, classroom attendance goals, and individual goals in student leadership notebooks.
Here are a few articles that are great inspiration, with positive thoughts to reflect upon, as we start a new third quarter:
Be Happy
10 Things Every Educator Should Say