AM Bus: Jacobson
PM Bus: Hammond
Lounge: Kenyon
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
March 3rd, 2014- Monday- RTI
March 5th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
March 5th, 2014- Wednesday- Tech Coach All Day
March 6th, 2014- Thursday- Picture Day
March 7th, 2014- Friday- PTA Meeting at 11:45 am.
This week is Dr. Seuss Week. We will have guest readers visiting, so please help them feel welcomed. Please also remind students about being respectful towards our guests.
Please remember that Tyler is coming on Wednesday. This is a perfect opportunity to check in about assessments in schoolnet, iPad questions, blended learning centers, or any other technology questions that you have. If you have a specific time you are interested in on Wednesday, you can email him.
Please also remember to sign up on the sheets asking where you went to college.
We are on to March! Just three months of school left.